Would You Date A Satanis or Wiccan/Druid?t?
Whitewolf @whitewolf_3
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Would You Date A Satanis or Wiccan/Druid?t?
Whitewolf @whitewolf_3
I don't see anything wrong with anybody believing whatever they want. As long as they respect everybody's right to believe in anything they want and not cause any trouble, that wouldn't be a problem for me
michaelotaku @michaelotaku
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Would You Date A Satanis or Wiccan/Druid?t?
michaelotaku @michaelotaku
Depends on if I like the person I guess I would judge them by that alone. But I'd have to lean a bit more to the no side of things. This is because I enjoy the company of generally good people. But if they just believe or fallow that stuff but are still genuinely a good person then I don't see the problem.
michaelotaku @michaelotaku
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Would You Date A Satanis or Wiccan/Druid?t?
michaelotaku @michaelotaku
As for the Santa and Odin reference to the original mythology or religion Norce to some extent your right. But that was just one of the predecessors to todays Santa, You have your Norce Odin Santa, Or Saint Nick From turkey, to de Kerstman Of the Netherlands, Father Christmas from England in the 16th century. Todays Santa actually came from all those. the earliest record of someone like him who started his many year transformation was in the 4th century BC With saint nick, Santa is from all over the place :)
mariahaise @mariahaise
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Would You Date A Satanis or Wiccan/Druid?t?
mariahaise @mariahaise
I'm a christian and I wouldn't date a satanist for many reasons. It is true that not all "satanists" worship satan but when they don't do that they shouldn't be called satanists in the first place. Someone who's free and have considered that enlightenment as some sort of life style are not satanists. Satanism is a religion and they do worship satan, they are the total opposite of Christianity. There are many books and also personal experiences that I can say they do difference a lot from other beliefs as paganism or ocultism. So I won't ever date a satanist.
mariahaise @mariahaise
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Would You Date A Satanis or Wiccan/Druid?t?
mariahaise @mariahaise
Is still what I believe in so sorry if I offend someone. (Excuse my english too)
anon @otakujt
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Would You Date A Satanis or Wiccan/Druid?t?
anon @otakujt
@mariahaise Satanists don't exactly believe in Satan to begin with. Satan is just a state of mind that religious people think that some evil deity has taken over a human.
Satanism (I know some Satanists, don't try to deny this statement) is the belief that you're your own God, nothing else could be a higher power. Pretty much like Atheism but it's taken to a more religous-y level...
Christians deny this fact, however, and think that Satan is a demon. This fact alone makes me think religion is stupid. God is a state of complete bliss while near death (seeing the light, etc.) while Satan is death while in a "burning" pain. Heaven and Hell is just the thought of death and going to a new plane of existence thereafter. Not a bad theory, but I don't think it's the smartest I've run up against.
Super Saiyan goku187 @goku187
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Would You Date A Satanis or Wiccan/Druid?t?
Super Saiyan goku187 @goku187
It might make things interesting
mariahaise @mariahaise
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Would You Date A Satanis or Wiccan/Druid?t?
mariahaise @mariahaise
@OtakuJT When people claim they are satanists and they don't worship satan because they believe in some kind of theory that can explain the fear death produces, they shouldn't be called satanists. What I'm trying to say is that Satanism means what it actually means but people can't tell the difference and they form this side concept that does not exist. I also said by personal experience that I know what being a satanist means, the rest is only a lie. Is the same as saying "more or less" in medicine this term does not exist, it is either yes or not, affirmative or negative. And if it isn't one of those two things is another one. What I'm trying to say is that I won't date someone who actually is a satanist.
DarkuSchneider @darkschneider
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Would You Date A Satanis or Wiccan/Druid?t?
DarkuSchneider @darkschneider
I have never encountered a real Satanist so I can't say, but the ones trolling OK are funny. Genuine Pagans I know are cool, regular folks like any other. The fake ones that just want to get into orgies and see boobs because that's what they think happens are lame. "Crotch Grabbing Wiccans" I think is what the witch that runs the book shop down the street calls them. I would totally date someone that practiced Wicca as I like their affinity with nature.
Honō no Gaki @hogaki
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Would You Date A Satanis or Wiccan/Druid?t?
Honō no Gaki @hogaki
Why not both? That would be awesome :D
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