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Salutations! ( ; v;)/

Aug 21, 14 at 10:39am
@Kou;; I don't see it but okay . LOL. maybe it's the hair colour . but Daigo is definitely less awks than Yosuke. XD Yeah, those two were my first OCs huhu~ Oh, I'm glad you think so ; v;/ I tried to make sure they were different enough . and I totally forgot about this dork cause I've never really done much with him;; http://puu.sh/b1U1M/618e7e4a6f.jpg I had temporarily named him Faust though.
I really don't know, I just got reminded of Yosuke when I saw him. ;u; My first OC is the drawing of his head (because at the time I couldn't draw bodies to save my life) in my album on this site. XD Yeah, they look too different to even be considered brothers, heck maybe even cousins. XP Faust reminds me of a serious kaito... Must be the blue because he looks nothing like Kaito. :P Still great though. :3 Also, certain things can remind me of other things even if it has nothing to do with it, so even characters will remind me of other characters. XD It's a bad habit of my brain. v.v
Aug 21, 14 at 10:50am
@Kou;; lol it's okay. people make connections like that, totes understandable. hehe I know that feel. I'm actually still not confident about drawing bodies though..... OTL close enoughhh~ I guess it's a good thing that you said that though, I always thought there wasn't enough variation. Clearly, I was wrong. thankss. yeah..Must be the blue, but I don't blame ya, he is wearing a scarf afterall. albeit an infinity scarf but a scarf nonetheless.
I love infinity scarfs, they so blowy blowy in the wind~ :D I can't draw hands and feet unless I spend hours upon hours just on that part of the body. XD Then sometimes I realize when I finish my drawing that the head is either too big or too small for that body. ;u; There's always enough variation. :3 wait... I feel confused right now. isn't a lot of variation a good thing? XD Honestly, I thank Kaito for being the last thing I needed to see to get me into my OC. My friend was helping me create my very first one and he showed me Kaito. At the time I had no idea who he was I just thought he looked cool, but he gave me so many ideas for a lot of things and even opened me up to more than just the dubbed anime. XD I thank Kaito for a lot of things. ;u; <img src="http://th01.deviantart.net/fs71/200H/i/2011/160/f/8/kaito__happy_b_day_tavo__by_sxyftgothic-d3ihacb.png">
Aug 21, 14 at 11:06am
don't we all love infinity scarves? yeah.... I still have major issues with those parts too. tragic and depressing. with digital art, that's easy to fix now though~ variation is good. it's good. LOL aww that cutie pie. I think he was what got me into vocaloid music.
I dunno to me they're the same. But yeah, it bugs me ):. I dont have anything against furries, some of them are really cool. Though majority of the fandom are very... uhh out there. They take things to a whole new level. But I like some of them, cuddly buggers.
I used to have a scarf that was very long, it almost felt like an infinity scarf... but then my friend took it from me... on the last day of school. ;u; Yeah, digital art has made it so easy thanks to no smudging with your hand and no eraser shavings in the way. XD Eraser shavings are my enemy when drawing traditionally. >.> Ok, that's what I thought. :P So, you have enough or not enough variation? X3 Edit: I loves me some vocaloid music. :D I even make some UTAU music myself, are you into those too or just vocaloid? o: I figured out how to put pictures on the posts now (as you can see). :D All you have to do is just type: img src="url of image" Take that and put it in the greater than and less than symbol. <>
Aug 21, 14 at 11:20am
tragic ; 3; I personally treasure the undo and redo buttons. lol ctrl-z plz. I guess I have enough since you said so ; v;? thanks for the tip. I was actually just about to ask you. ; u;b I wonder if gifs work...NVM. IT WORKED. LOL
Aug 21, 14 at 11:24am
<img src="http://i661.photobucket.com/albums/uu337/sugar-jar/moostash2.gif"> SUCCESS!!
Are you putting the entire " src img="url of image" " inside of the symbols? Make sure the image you want has .jpg or .png at the end of the url. o: lemme test gifs <img src="http://i661.photobucket.com/albums/uu337/sugar-jar/Elias/kindIes_zpsf20a9a57.gif~original"> Edit: Ok it works, and my bad. I meant "img src" when I told you "src img". I'm sorry! ;u;
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