Hirakuga @hirakuga
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Hirakuga @hirakuga
I don't know, I still think I'm winning. At least you guys had the intention to date the person lol. Like I said, I just thought I was being helpful. In fact, I'm almost positive I was played from the very beginning lol.
Loli-ButtCuddles @riyuzaki
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Loli-ButtCuddles @riyuzaki
This account has been suspended.
megalomania @megalomania
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megalomania @megalomania
Vampire Neko -- same here! Most of the guys I've dated have had mental health issues. Not that that's necessarily bad, but I certainly do not want to be responsible for anyone's mental health but mine.
As for awkward ways to start a relationship, I have to agree with Tyrant. It's awful to break up with someone when you have to see them every day.
Moose Of Mibu @moose_of_mibu
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Moose Of Mibu @moose_of_mibu
Walking up to a random, yet cute girl in a Wichita Falls wallmart drunk. This was the pathetic line I gave:
"You can take a ride on THIS moose anytime you wa-ant!"
This was the response:
The strange girl jumped on my back, and we were off, riding off in the sunset towards a very steamy, yet brief 3 week affair. Turns out she had a husband. Guess who had to deal with him?
Hehehe SO glad he was smaller and scrawnier than me XD. Put up a HELL of a fight though. Still got dumped XD.
Yeah, never date random girls who go to wallmart SOBER at 3 am.
mobored101 @mobored101
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mobored101 @mobored101
i dated a girl who asked me out literally 10 minutes after she broke up with her boyfriend by pretending she had amnesia.
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