School Days *Contains Spoilers Read If Watched*.

DJOkami @djokami
School Days *Contains Spoilers Read If Watched*.
DJOkami @djokami
Alright Well I finished watching this anime and I am already at a loss for words to describe my experience. Words that fit might be WTF did I just watch? I am having a hard time to score it on this website out of 10 because it is so shocking, frustrating and highly disturbing that I am scared to feel victum to the characters in this anime and feel like I learned something about my exsistence that I might as well say it was a splendid anime; I give it a 10?? Out of mercy I might give it a 7 or a 8 but that's about it.
When I first started watching it I fell for Itou and Konoha as a couple and it was very sweet. (Since I found this anime in the romance section on Crunchyroll) Anyways My friend warned me about the anime and said something about major Yanderes. I was a little cautious but after the first 3 or four episodes I didn't see anything but sweet first chance love.
Later on in the anime I found myself incrediably pissed at the monster the main character was since episode 2 all the way through 12 only getting worse and worse by each episode. Some reviews I read called him a self entitled prick who only cares about himself and I couldn't agree more. I was sitting hoping each episode he would get what is coming to him in episode 12 or maybe he would learn his lesson.
A love story transformed into a jiggle story where all he wants is a good fuck and ends up cheating on his GF in the beginning (Konoha) because his friend (Sekei) said you can practice sexual things on me for the future with your GF. She ends up getting cheated on when Itou nearly has sex with every girl in the school and DESTROYS; I mean he DESTROYS Konoha to the point where she is psychologically insane and talking to Itou on the phone (although he blocked her and her phone was on). Konoha spends weeks talking to a phone not on as if Itou was on the phone. Sekei says she is pregnant; he is the father and suddenly Itou meets up with Konoha and he seems to regret what he has done and actually wants a true relationship...thus he makes out in front of Sekei with Konoha to prove he doesn't give a fuck about her. Thus He gets brutaly stabed to death by Sekei and Konoha finds out and carries his severed head; obviously now crucially insane saying he is alive and they are dating and points to his severed head in a duffle bag. Konoha ends up stabing and riping open Sekie's stoumach to see if there was a baby in their and if that's not bad enough it ends with Konoha cuddling Itou's severed head on a yatch in the middle of the sea saying "We are finally alone"
I have to say this is probably the darkest anime I have seen out of my long list of anime. I watched Elfin Lied but Elfin Lied wasn't that dark as I think School Days was.

Mune @mune
commented on
School Days *Contains Spoilers Read If Watched*.
Mune @mune
My experience with this series is that it was poorly portrayed by its cover/art. We are introduced to Makoto, who has a crush on a girl. He starts a relationship with her. Then, falls for his friend. A love triangle, then it gets more complicated because he doesn't take responsibility. He gets more girls. I was hoping that he would select 1 girl and make amends for his actions with the rest. But, that dream was shattered by the ending. Nice Boat! I kinda cringed when I watched the ending.
There are 2 OVAs that make fun of the series. You may like them.

FukboiFrasia @frasia2162
commented on
School Days *Contains Spoilers Read If Watched*.
FukboiFrasia @frasia2162
-w- all i can say is that that anime made me want to burn down cities.
I mean, Makoto deserved what he got, but still, IT AGGRAVATES ME!
Just goes on a sex crazy trail, sleeps with Sekai's friend as a promise, then sleeps with class flussies.
No, Just no DX

DJOkami @djokami
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School Days *Contains Spoilers Read If Watched*.
DJOkami @djokami
yeah all I can say is that it is unique. I never seen an anime like it or will I see another like it.

Mune @mune
commented on
School Days *Contains Spoilers Read If Watched*.
Mune @mune
Well, it got licensed finally.

ramensoup43 @ramensoup43
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School Days *Contains Spoilers Read If Watched*.
ramensoup43 @ramensoup43
Just saying, this is the one of the more realistic shows you can watch, since it relates to something that's more relatable in people's personal lives. No magic, no superpowered fights, just testing the limits of the human heart and how something so innocent and misunderstanding can spiral out of control.
Personally I appreciate the boldness of taking this particular game and making it officially into an anime. I just hope the dub voices don't suck.
Oh, btw, the entire mess was Kotonoha's fault, not Makoto's. Blueballs makes a man do crazy things, but there's always a cause for it. Let it pile on for too long and of course the guy is gonna go somewhere else for affection, which Sekai provided that for him at that moment.
Now Kokoro Connect I'm not really sure of. Near the end of that series and that's annoying the hell out of me.

Mune @mune
commented on
School Days *Contains Spoilers Read If Watched*.
Mune @mune
it's not getting a dub

DJOkami @djokami
commented on
School Days *Contains Spoilers Read If Watched*.
DJOkami @djokami
actually Ramen its not Kotonohas fault. this is your first GF and you expect her to put out after 4 days or even the first week of dating? In the anime the main character wanted one! Sekai wanted to steal him away.
Also By the way I just finished reading the manga for School Days (12 chapters long) and I feel I should forgive the series some what. The manga is 100% different from the anime. I wont ruin the manga for those that have not read it. but it ends pretty bad for Kotonoha from Sekai and Sekai is the creepy Yandere women you wanna run away from. Also the main character is somewhat faithful and not a man whore in the manga. completely different.
Most anime use the manga for reference like Bleach. when the anime catches up to the manga it slows down and they add fillers until the manga gets ahead. I always say the manga is better than the anime because its sometimes like the egg before the chicken for some anime. Like the Elfin Lied manga was better than the series.

ramensoup43 @ramensoup43
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School Days *Contains Spoilers Read If Watched*.
ramensoup43 @ramensoup43
It wasn't about putting out, it was being closer to build on a relationship, physically at least. Each chance at kissing or holding her resulted in Kotonoha pushing Makoto away. After that broke his pride, Sekai practically threw herself at him.
The reputation Makoto got after the story and from other people talked about was pretty much he's a sex-starved pervert. I see it as without anything building up to it and only being pushed away, anguish built up too much in Makoto that he would go after any girl that would give him the time of day. He ends up sleeping with all of them since that's how he learned to cope with the anguish. Let me say again: Blue balls makes a man do crazy things. If something's not clicking in a relationship, even after a couple of days, if there's no room to explore the other's wants then there's a good chance nothing will go well, especially if both people needed to be coached at the get-go. Even worse if that coach is manipulating one of them into making the guy's eyes turn to her instead for her own feelings. He even apologized and promised to take it slow, but when someone else is gonna offer you what the other won't, then it's bound to happen.
I should go read the manga since I thought it was only based off the game, but maybe the game was based off the manga. Maybe it would explain other details and change my answer, but overall in the anime version it's what I came up with.
That's what I do like about this anime though. It makes you think and even though the story is closed it leaves the viewer open to discussion to determine who is really at fault. I believe Kotonoha is at fault for not giving any initiative to be closer to the person she was going out with, which ended up making him feel resentment towards her. That resentment clouded Makoto's judgement, where Sekai's involvement was the nudge that triggered the downward spiral.

vid30kidd @vid30kidd
commented on
School Days *Contains Spoilers Read If Watched*.
vid30kidd @vid30kidd
School Days is one of my favorite anime out there. Just surprised alot of people don't like it.
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