Loving yourself so much that a partner becomes unnecessary
kidpool @kidpool
Loving yourself so much that a partner becomes unnecessary
kidpool @kidpool
Anyone wants to be like this?
I know some people. ( usually guys )
who think they are so hot and awesome and the best thing since sliced bread that they dont care about having a romance/love life.
I seriously want to go this road.
Running around looking for someone to tell me im good enough never got me anywere.
I dont want to be hoping and wishing anymore. I just want to be complete and fine NOW.
love yourself first.
any opinions?
arrekesu @arrekesu
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Loving yourself so much that a partner becomes unnecessary
arrekesu @arrekesu
Sure. You dont go into a relationship broken/hoping for the person to fix you. I don't think that's how it should go.
I feel a relationship should bring new light/compliment you in some way that you never had seen/thought of before. It should give some sort of feeling or desire to just be with that person through thick and then.
It's fine to be alone, and fine to date someone. Everyone makes their choice, or tries to find their solution. Maybe you've just run into all the wrong people. It happens. I'd love to find my person and be complete and all...but it'll just take time. So...while i wait...ill work on me and things i can do to make a better me! :D
Just my opinion. Good luck bro.
Strawberry_soda @strawberry_soda
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Loving yourself so much that a partner becomes unnecessary
Strawberry_soda @strawberry_soda
I love myself to the point where I don't need a relationship and I love it <3
I feel like I can have a healthy relationship now that I'm not looking for someone to complete me, I can just be myself and if a relationship goes sour I won't fear being alone because I have myself and I can end it and move on. I feel like having a good and healthy relationship with yourself is really important and crucial to a happy life. I also agree with what arrekusu had to say about how a relationship should complement you. Relationships shouldn't be your source of sel esteem, it's impossible to have a healthy relationship if you for instance blame yourself for all of its' shortcomings instead of being self aware enough to realize that it's not either party's fault and it's just a lack of chemistry.
Idk, good self esteem and a healthy love and respect for yourself is very important. Your body is a vessel and it's going to be with you your whole life no matter what, your body loves you and wants to keep you alive so it's important to love it back and to take care of it, mind, soul, body, all of it.
xueli @xueli
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Loving yourself so much that a partner becomes unnecessary
xueli @xueli
Yeah, I triple with the whole not looking for a relationship as self validation. No one wants to know that their person is more so with them as a way to complete and fix themselves/to validate them more than actually liking them as a person. That's a hard sell lol
kidpool @kidpool
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Loving yourself so much that a partner becomes unnecessary
kidpool @kidpool
Yeh I am gonne spend more time on myself. See how that goes.
I feel like there is enough to improve about myself.
Any advice is welcome
arrekesu @arrekesu
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Loving yourself so much that a partner becomes unnecessary
arrekesu @arrekesu
Keep at it man.
Don't put yourself down, because I'm sure everyone has someone out there somewhere who puts them down. You don't need to add to it.
Remember that things take time.
Bad things happen. But so do good things. We're just programmed to see the bad much more easily.
Sometimes being alone is better. Remember, at one point in time, people didn't believe the world was round/spherical/pear shaped/whatever the F you wanna believe, but it sure as hell isn't 2D.
For me at least....Learn to love your mistakes. Without em, you wouldn't have probably turned out how you are! And never forget to laugh. Ever.
Personal favorite...
Smile! :D
*Done with off the head advice in life*
Poptimus Rhyme @hikkikomori
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Loving yourself so much that a partner becomes unnecessary
Poptimus Rhyme @hikkikomori
I am a huge narcicist and megalomanic arrogant bastard (according to my psych-profiling), so I might be able to offer som advice on loving yourself.
There is the chance that you ARE infact objectively better than anyone around you, this is quite rare though and as such I advice taking the route of convincing yourself your better than anyone else.
This is easy, just go to the mall or any other public place were you are knee deep in human-kind filth and watch, after a short time you will feel incredibly superior to the empty douche bags littering the public space.
If this dont work, just avoid anyone who can challenge you for long enough that you forget what an equal is, this is surprisingly easy, most people are not even worthy of getting knifed in the abdomen by someone as great as oneself after all...
kidpool @kidpool
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Loving yourself so much that a partner becomes unnecessary
kidpool @kidpool
Poptimus. Thanks for the laugh. ( and I dont means this in a bad way. )
Yeah I do feel better when I see others who I consider pathetic.
But I dont think looking down on others will help me in the long run.
Atleast not if its the only thing I am doing. ( confidence would be nice. )
Because in the end the scumbags will leave and Il start comparing myself
again with people I actually admire. And that sucks.
But yeah. I think the whole "look at all the scumbags, I am better than them." thing
is part of the whole positive thinking proces. Because it teaches you not
to focus on people who are "better" but on people who have it worse.
To realise what you DO have.
So yeah. Good point
ffftitans @ffftitans
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Loving yourself so much that a partner becomes unnecessary
ffftitans @ffftitans
Think about your mind set first. Your subconscious.
Are you *really* that Zen, or are you just self-denying? Srs, not trying to be an arse here.
i.e., are you truly not interested in a relationship, or you are but haven't had luck so you try to convince yourself you don't want one?
Call me defeatist but I think most people are the latter. And it's a damn shame because they pretty much live a huge chunk of their lives self-denying only to eventually succumb and come back to square one.
Either way, my advice for you would be to pick up some worthwhile, intellectually stimulating hobbies.
I have a ton, and they endlessly fulfill me so I'm never troubled about having relationships.
I love my hobbies so much, relationships are secondary to me. I'm kind of a "grass eater" in Japanese social terms.
But I still remember now and then... biological forces are strong. Our species didn't reach this far for no reason. Keep that in mind.
Karasu @kain_karasu
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Loving yourself so much that a partner becomes unnecessary
Karasu @kain_karasu
Here's how I look at it, I stopped caring, things come, things go, the river flows ever onward. And like ffftitans said, hobbies can be a great distraction and time filler. I don't think it's so much about loving yourself but just accepting yourself. I certainly know I have things to work on, and I know I'm not the best thing since sliced bread, but when I think about relationships this is how my care cup looks |_| <- it's empty. Not to say I wouldn't welcome a relationship or the company of a fine woman, but there isn't a void I'm trying to fill with a woman.
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