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How do I get one

If I happen to come across a girl that interests me I just leave it up to fate, If we happen to talk, great! but if it doesn't happen so be it, because I don't want to feel like I'm bothering that girl....I guess I have this polite or hesitant side side of me, which one day I hope I can get rid of that side of me because I find it more of an obstacle than being helpful...and some doubt plays a role as well
Bahaha, there comes a time when I do indeed feel like i have zero chance. Mostly because most of the time, girls are the ones picking from the line of guys, not the other way around :P. I don't like competition, so i don't try too hard lol.
Oct 12, 13 at 11:19pm
I can't speak for all girls, but most girls aren't picking from a line of guys, even if there is a "line" wanting to be picked from. Typically, we can tell from the first time we talk or see each whether or not we are interested in them, so it's more us sitting back and wondering if they are interested in us while we talk to guys we consider friends. But that is understandable. Competition isn't fun for the most part. Also, rejection is pretty awful, so I don't blame guys for not wanting to ask the girl out.
AMDarely, that is exactly what a line is lol. You have a ton of guys talking to you and wanting to get to know you. So regardless if you're not interested or not, you're the person who gets to choose who you want depending on whose interesting to you out of the guys who talk to you. Thus, the line :P For example, I think I'm completely awesomely handsome, do girls talk to me? maybe a few... if at all lol. Guys on the other hand have to play the cards right and even if they do, if they don't meet the girl's standards, physical features, etc... it's still a no go. I don't like competition because girls like to make things difficult when they have a set of guys to choose from. I don't like being played and led on, that is why i don't like competition, not because of the other guys. I'm fairly confident I can tango with other guys for a chick but the CHICK is the problem... not the other dudes :)
Yea, but I don't feel like I compete with people for a girl... and rejection...well I haven't been rejected before but that's probably because I rarely ask a girl out, same thing for feeling like I'm competing, but I do think I would feel pretty down if I was rejected, but I'm pretty sure I would move on after.... I must stay strong :x
Oct 13, 13 at 12:22am
See, but saying that it's a line is saying that all guys are on an equal scale and all have a chance. To me, I could tell you whether a guy had a chance based off a picture and then talking to him for about thirty minutes or more. But though he doesn't have a chance as a potential boyfriend, doesn't mean that I am going to completely ignore him if I think he's fun to talk to... Therefore, I could be interested in one guy, and I'm talking to five other guys, who are friends, and are in the same set of mind as a brother, sister, cousin, or other female, which is a platonic way that won't change. I'm going to be completely honest and say that yes, I need to think the guy is physically appealing, but any person would be lying in some way if they said physical appeal had no weight in the decision. I've seen comments about guy's "dream girl" and a lot of them say stuff like "I want her to be smart, but not so smart that she challenges me". "I want her to be skinny but have huge boobs." "I only like girls with long hair." "I like girls with an ass." etc. And girls will get nixed because they don't match the standards of the guy. So it's easily a two way street Then you aren't into the right girls. Girls that play with guys and lead them on piss me off because that's not what most girls are like. I'd like to say, most girls will straight up tell you if they are interested in a guy and if they aren't, but most guys I've encountered, don't take the time to ask. Not a single guy has asked me ever if I was interested in him or any other guys that I've talked to, and 90% of my friends are typically guys.
That's the point I'm making AMDarely, because this is a dating site for Otakus, almost all guys on this site believe they are on an equal scale when they talk to a girl whose also an Otaku. How many times do you tell a guy that you're not interested in them being your boyfriend without them having to confess to you? They usually get the wrong impression and expect you to be interested. So their character doesn't change until after they confess and hear it from you. That's the point i' making lol. The line is a list of guys, whether they are interesting enough for you or not, you have a list to choose from. Friend or not. This line exists for super handsome dudes also, a line of chicks lol. I'm glad we agree on Physical attraction, not many people on this site believe so even though they've posted in that "Dream Girl" thread lol. I don't believe in the "right girls", women, like men, like to lead people on. A good chance of that is that they don't even know they're doing it. Say you're talking to 10 guys, 3 of them you're interested in but the other 7 are now considered as "friends" who think they have chances... Those 3 guys probably know that you're interested in them, they don't know that you're interested in other guys though, as you get to know each other even more, they are now put under the impression that they have a chance because they do. You choose one and then what happens to the other guys? They're left with questions of why you even took them that far to begin with. By all means, FINDING someone is not easy and choosing someone is not easy but those are the basics when you have multiple people to choose from. And yes, most girls will tell a guy if they are interested or not if "Asked" but most guys won't ask or will ask too soon because "asking" too soon or too late can either break you or make you. Chances leaning more of breaking you lol. P.S. guys have it a lot harder with finding a girlfriend.
Oct 13, 13 at 12:38am
.__________. i think you guys are worry about relationships too much. -.- try too hard and you you'll only make whoever you like flee. (like fidlesticks using fear : D)
Oct 13, 13 at 12:54am
Ok, so it's a dating site for Otakus. But there are people on here who are in relationships and still talk to others. There are people on here who have flat out said, "I'm only looking for friends." And on most dating sites, there is the ability to say if you're looking for an open or closed relationship, friendship, or other. But I do get your point in the sense that there are many more guys compared to girls... But most guys who have asked me why I came to the site, I've told them straight out it's for me to meet people who have the same interests as me, so I don't "lead them on". However, that doesn't mean I wouldn't date someone if I did like someone I met. And yes. I think it's ridiculous when people say they don't care about looks haha So by being nice and talking to them about shared interests you have, because the guy likes the girl or vice versa, it's leading them on because the other feels differently? Also, you're assuming that I have the capacity to be interested in more than one person at a time. Because I really am not. Yes, but it certainly isn't really a choice thing. The way you're making it sound is as though we are just choosing the "best" option that presents itself, when it's not like that at all. I could have one guy interested in me, but if I don't like him, I don't like him. You shouldn't be afraid to ask someone if they are interested in someone else or yourself because it's not going to hurt you. I've asked before, and I'm still fine P.S.- I seriously doubt that.
Oct 13, 13 at 12:56am
@Txukasa Maybe you're right! And I enjoy the League reference haha
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