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MangAngel @mangangel left a comment for SoulRebirth
Mar 08, 10 at 11:23am
YES! Put it at the top of the list xD~ and thanks :D I always try to come off as friendly. :D and well I like alot of other video games. I like tekken, golden sun, um I used to be a huge DDR freak and i still kinda am ^^; hah but you? and oh do you have a myspace or a facebook? I usually forget about this site!
Arkquency @shadonova left a comment for SoulRebirth
Mar 01, 10 at 10:52pm
Ya I do, but I'am goin to transfer to the art institute. Oh ya if this filler storm continues I will start reading the manga. The trigun movie is coming in April YAA!!! I'am not sure how long its gonna take until its on narutowire or some other anime website.
MangAngel @mangangel left a comment for SoulRebirth
Mar 01, 10 at 12:09pm
Me too xD You seem friendly, and not in a creep-ass way either. Lawl yes you broke the ice. And you should get to watching that D:< and my favorite is Ichigio.. haha i know cliche answer. His temper makes me laugh though~
Arkquency @shadonova left a comment for SoulRebirth
Feb 28, 10 at 9:33pm
Drawing pictures, goin to school, waitin for mtac and ff13. Princess mononoke is good movie and howl moving castle got good ratings though I've never seen it for myself....bleach fillers and naruto fillers are still reigning terror on me lol.
Arkquency @shadonova left a comment for SoulRebirth
Feb 27, 10 at 10:20pm
Hey man whats been goin on?
ailovenes @ailovenes left a comment for SoulRebirth
Feb 25, 10 at 11:50pm
Hey, sorry it took so long for me to respond. It's been a while since I've checked this site. :3 I usually like to write fantasy. I see you're planning on watching Howl's moving castle... I ave to recommend it. And if you can, read the book by Dianna Wynn Jones. She's one of my all time favorite authors.
Feb 22, 10 at 10:45pm
And momocon..well they have a registration capacity of like 7000 people I think (and probably already full) 'cuz they have limited space so I wouldn't really recommend going since you live out of state..it may be free but you'd have to pay to get here so ..not really worth it in the end I think ^^'. And yah I *heart* tentacle porn, gotta love it haha! Weell I don't plan on watching -all- the anime's that were ever made or anything xD just the ones they have on those sites that interest me, I doubt I'll even get through all of those but..I think it's a good way to find new anime *nods nods*. Ahh, I was bawling for both Spike and Lelouch!! But there are some people that think Lelouch didn't actually die...but I don't know about that ^^' And you can send a little bit of everything, except for angry haha everything else is fine :D
Feb 22, 10 at 10:44pm
Yah, lol I can't really sew ^^' unless I have someone helping me out but I couldn't make an entire outfit on my own, even the snow white one was made by a friends mom and I just helped out with parts of it. It would make my cosplay life easier if I could sew though ^^;...actually I don't know why I forgot to say this but me n' a group of my friends are planning to eventually cosplay as heartless! I'm designing outfits inspired by the heartless actually so it'll be off of that :3 And you should totally come to AWA if you live in Tennessee, it's not that far away actually and we have a bunch of people come from other states too. I may possibly be getting an art table with a friend for this years awa even :) AWA is held in September, this year it'll be Sept. 17-19 and you can check out their site for more info: http://www.awa-con.com/ the hotel is already completely booked but there are a lot of other hotels in very close distance (even walking distance) to the convention. But yah if you do go plan ahead 'cuz either way you'll prob need to book a hotel room and you wanna make sure outside the convention don't book out too ^^'.
MangAngel @mangangel left a comment for SoulRebirth
Feb 22, 10 at 10:23am
Aw Why thankyou! ^^; You're the first to welcome me, I've been on here for like 2 weeks @.@ anyways.. Well I like "The Melancholy of haruhi suzumiya" and old magical girl like card captor sakura hah~ But i also enjoy Bleach !
Leah @leah left a comment for SoulRebirth
Feb 21, 10 at 11:06pm
well my about me pretty much says it all xD I'm a pretty normal average girl. You like Yu-Gi-Oh?