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I could have went last month with my friend Kassey, she's part Japanese and some of her family lives in China. However, I got really sick and didn't get to go sadly. V__V But I love Mongolian BBQ to. ^____^
Phoenix @animecountryboy left a comment for Locked.
Dec 09, 12 at 10:01pm
Phoenix @animecountryboy left a comment for Locked.
Dec 09, 12 at 9:40pm
I was friends with her, not extremely close but still.... she was one of the kindest if not THE KINDEST person i ever knew.... she had such a beautiful soul..
I want to move to Japan also, I have always wanted to for like the longest time. :) I love Japanese culture. I like making Onigiri balls, and Udon noodles. ^^
Yeah I know what you mean.. I just never believed in anything at all so I just went my own way. As long as my family never ends up like my Ex's mother who basically threw holly water on me and called me Satan's daughter because she didn't like the fact that I'm an atheist. T___T That woman was insane.
I kind of hate Virginia also.. My family is the same way about me and my friends. My best friend Kassey is a Protestant and my friend Colton is Agnostic. I already have plans that when I turn 18 im moving in with my grandmother that lives near Roanoke. :) Oh btw.. my name's Kate, It's a pleasure to meet you.
It's really far to the south/west of Gloucester, do you know where Roanoke is? If so.. it's like an hour and a half away from there. It's on the North Carolina border... beside of Hillsville.
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