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The_KolleckTives_Account @torva_messor
The_KolleckTives_Account @torva_messor
I wish for RAGNAROK

mrmasa @mrmasa
mrmasa @mrmasa
Ugh life is hard

The_KolleckTives_Account @torva_messor
The_KolleckTives_Account @torva_messor
I wish I could for once find an Otaku to be with... I'm tired of being around normies

The_KolleckTives_Account @torva_messor
The_KolleckTives_Account @torva_messor
It doesn't matter
I need Recommendations

ashbornpanda @ashbornpanda
commented on
I need Recommendations
ashbornpanda @ashbornpanda
For me to give some recommendations, i do need to know what you like, and maybe what you have seen. what kind of god tier are you looking for, action, drama, wanna cry?
I need Recommendations

The_KolleckTives_Account @torva_messor
commented on
I need Recommendations
The_KolleckTives_Account @torva_messor
Jojo huh... You'll have to tie me down and forcibly keep my eyes open for me to watch
That include AOT

The_KolleckTives_Account @torva_messor
The_KolleckTives_Account @torva_messor
I am not an old user of this site but I was recently messaged by a scammer or maybe she was a legit person any whoooo... I decided to create this so we can point out these people and have them face judgement and if the creator of this site can be our executioner, we can use the peoples voice to send them to the Guillotine. Hope they don't reincarnate back for vengeance... LOL