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johny9969 @johny9969
johny9969 @johny9969

I love it when she looks at me with those lustful eyes. They crave his touch but they are full of lies.
Though he knows the truth behind her gaze. His lust for for her does not seem to age.
Her lips that taste like honey and her sweet nectar dripping down her thigh, makes him go crazy each and every time.
For she is like a drug,
And like an addict I consume her.
She moans,
He grunts.
Things break but they dare not stop.
For fools they both are but two fools for lust.
Each deceiving one another but as the saying goes, Opposites will always attract.
The lust they have is like no other.
In the shower, in the kitchen, in the couch or out in public, fogged out windows in a car, neighbors watch from a far.
They care not of whom may see, for them fucking is what they need.
Oh what fools are we with lust.