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bombsquad @bombsquad
bombsquad @bombsquad
Me whenever someone wants to date me:

xxx @__removed_leilum
xxx @__removed_leilum


bombsquad @bombsquad
bombsquad @bombsquad

xxx @__removed_leilum
xxx @__removed_leilum


Pete Zahut @criselington Indeed

bombsquad @bombsquad
bombsquad @bombsquad
Dang that looks nice!

xxx @__removed_leilum
xxx @__removed_leilum

had Jabee spag, chimken, and brazo de mercedes cake for lunch

Pete Zahut @criselington Fancy

xxx @__removed_leilum its becoz of the chopsticks huh xD

Pete Zahut @criselington Possibly

Pete Zahut @criselington But those are some nice chopsticks

xxx @__removed_leilum Thanks. Its a gift from my cousin. He had it from a Ramen Shop. I prefer using spoon and fork tho especially when Im super hungry. Hahaha. Tho my father is really good at it. And hes the one using chopsticks on every meal. We also had smaller version and disposable ones. Those we use when eating sushi or noodles. Hkhk

Pete Zahut @criselington Nice