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Bugs and Suggestions This Far

Blue Hatter @blue_leader
commented on
Bugs and Suggestions This Far
Blue Hatter @blue_leader
So... the search function still isn't working for me, and it's exactly eight months since I last posted about this. It still hasn't been fixed.
When I search for someone in Oregon it finds people "near me" in completely different states-- it's always, for some reason, Utah, Indiana and Colorado. It doesn't list one single person in Oregon. I suppose it's possible that there are no females from Oregon (I checked every age range) but it should put the next closest state as Washington in that case, not a state that's clear on the other side of the country.
I'm really surprised that this hasn't been fixed yet or even moderately addressed. Really, what use is a dating website if you can't even search for people in your own state? What's the point?
Bugs and Suggestions This Far

Blue Hatter @blue_leader
commented on
Bugs and Suggestions This Far
Blue Hatter @blue_leader
Seriously, could we please get the search feature fixed? Whenever I search for anyone in Oregon I get people from every other state except for Oregon. Right now I have matches in Indiana, Colorado and Utah, in other words, states that aren't even close to Oregon.
Seriously? A dating site where you can't even search for people in your own state is completely useless... >>;;
Sep 3-5
Aug 23-26
Guest. Sep 21-22
Guest. Sep 21-22