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chance_ @chance_
chance_ @chance_
I love one piece sm

chance_ @chance_
chance_ @chance_
Who took the Bomp from the Bompalompalomp?!
Deceptacon - song and lyrics by Le Tigre | Spotify

Praxis @stazmae
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Praxis @stazmae
I don't mind. Why, thank you for stopping by. Happy belative birthday.
707's my most favourite of them all. Second would be Saeran, then Yoosung! How about you? I'm just assuming you play it too. O^O//
Would you be in my group?

chance_ @chance_
commented on
Would you be in my group?
chance_ @chance_
I'm in c:
It's my 19th birthday!

chance_ @chance_
commented on
It's my 19th birthday!
chance_ @chance_
Happy born day mate!!