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Autry876 @azure876
Autry876 @azure876
Bored, lonely, and at a writer's block now. FML
Anime Atlantians?? (Atlanta, Georgia)

Autry876 @azure876
commented on
Anime Atlantians?? (Atlanta, Georgia)
Autry876 @azure876
Don't really know what I'll be doing during the Cherry Blossom Festival, but I live about 10 minutes from Macon. If anyone is near, preferably female, maybe we could talk and stuff. Possibly meet up and get to know each other.
What anime character do you think fits your personality perfectly?

Autry876 @azure876
commented on
What anime character do you think fits your personality perfectly?
Autry876 @azure876

Probably Shizuo Heiwajima from Durarara!!, but not as strong. And I don't smoke.