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35 year old Male
Last online over 3 years ago
-Sighs- Nothing much I guess, but I did finish a cosplay sometime ago, you?
Akira @akira left a comment for NDA
Apr 08, 10 at 7:55pm
hi ^^ i just saw your pic and i instantly thought "ohhhh PSP 8D" they make me so happy lol. what your fav games?
Thanks for adding me :)
konachan @konachan left a comment for NDA
Apr 07, 10 at 11:56pm
YOU'RE ALIVE! So you didn't fall into space huh? Seriously though it's cool. I'm not going to go crazy if you don't reply right away lol :3 So you what game have you been playing? I miss not seeing the sunlight because I'm too distracted by mind numbing graphics.
a @animegirl4ever09189 left a comment for NDA
Apr 07, 10 at 10:50pm
Hey I hope you injoy it here on maiotaku.com and check out: http://www.maiotaku.com/mytopics/565/mytopics/843 and play around a bit to earn heart points
konachan @konachan left a comment for NDA
Feb 05, 10 at 10:50am
You listen to it on a online radio or literally on the radio?! Because if you have a techno station where you live I'm extremely jealous lol.
konachan @konachan left a comment for NDA
Jan 31, 10 at 5:05pm
No problem! You seem pretty cool?Techno is amazing!!! who is your favorite artist or song?
ShinJay4 @shinjay4 left a comment for NDA
Jan 20, 10 at 8:08pm
I love hard style do you shuffle??? if so my friend has a website for anyone that into shuffling and hardstyle and hard trance
Aizen757 @bankai757 left a comment for NDA
Dec 25, 09 at 3:57pm
Sup bro? I've been AWOL for a while due to work killing me and what not. Just coming thru and hoping you having a Merry Christmas. BANKAI!!!