Dokuji @chibisoul
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Dokuji @chibisoul
hahah. yeah ill make sure to tell that to the police. >o<!!!! 3 animes now. hahah. all good btw.

Akira @akirawolf
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Akira @akirawolf
That's good. c: Ghgfdask thanks so much, your picture is really pretty. ;u;

Dokuji @chibisoul
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Dokuji @chibisoul
and i just noticed how many times i said good in there... lol wtf.

Dokuji @chibisoul
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Dokuji @chibisoul
yeah it bothers me because it makes me seem like I'm a dirty old man. >.< LOL so anywaysss thats good. I'm pretty good, had a long day at work but i don't have to work tomorrow so it's all good. :) we only have one anime in common i think... *gasp o.0

Dokuji @chibisoul
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Dokuji @chibisoul
oh hi! you finally responded! you're very pretty. but i noticed you're 16... sigh... *hides back in hermit hole, annoyed >.<
how are you? :P

Dat_Anime_Guy @dat_anime_guy
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Dat_Anime_Guy @dat_anime_guy
hey c:

Dokuji @chibisoul
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Dokuji @chibisoul
hallo :)

Odawesome @phanboy
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Odawesome @phanboy
welcome :) you'll notice it's a little dead here but only because its so difficult to navigate -_-

Akira @akirawolf
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Akira @akirawolf
I'm good thanks c: you?

Trelós Dr.Likos @nero1209
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Trelós Dr.Likos @nero1209
No problem, so how is the anime scene in your neck of the woods?