madoka @madoka
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Yellow Otaku
madoka @madoka
Hey, that's pretty neat!

madoka @madoka
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Yellow Otaku
madoka @madoka
I will soon.

madoka @madoka
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Yellow Otaku
madoka @madoka
I have it for the Wii U :^)

madoka @madoka
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Yellow Otaku
madoka @madoka

madoka @madoka
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Yellow Otaku
madoka @madoka
I'll try him someday.

madoka @madoka
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Yellow Otaku
madoka @madoka
I don't think I've ever played as him!

madoka @madoka
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Yellow Otaku
madoka @madoka
Usually Zelda. Both her and Sheik are great to fight with.

madoka @madoka
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Yellow Otaku
madoka @madoka
Super Smash Bros is my GAME!!! the LoZ games are pretty great too, actually, but it took me a few months to get them done. @_@
I never liked the Mario games.

madoka @madoka
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Yellow Otaku
madoka @madoka
I'm not that great at finishing games (Iv'e only ever finished Fable 3, which was fairly easy), but I'll find a way to give them a try!

madoka @madoka
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Yellow Otaku
madoka @madoka
I have neither of those consoles, so I obviously wouldn't know of them.. ;~; They're good, I hope?