gugu @worldwidebeauty
gugu @worldwidebeauty
I may not seem it, but i am one of the nicest people. I stay humble about it, though.

Marcus @marcus_k omg. you still exist

gugu @worldwidebeauty
gugu @worldwidebeauty
yes my favorite anime is jojo and yes my favorite jobro is okuyasu

Mr. Rogers @rafaelsanzio
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Mr. Rogers @rafaelsanzio
That Bio xDDD

라이언 (ARCHER) @truffle It makes you realise how interesting this world is. :)

Disdain for Plebs @nebelstern
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Disdain for Plebs @nebelstern
So you are basically confirming you are an old crank? How insteresting.

ZackV4 @w0w_l0l
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ZackV4 @w0w_l0l
These fools don't understand do they?

troinz @troinz
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troinz @troinz
This account has been suspended.

troinz @troinz
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troinz @troinz
This account has been suspended.

Despair V99999999999999999 @ithurts
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Despair V99999999999999999 @ithurts
This account has been suspended.

gugu @worldwidebeauty
gugu @worldwidebeauty
I drink the tears of envious mortals to retain my youth

gugu @worldwidebeauty
gugu @worldwidebeauty

today's exam resulted in a masterpiece... I truly am good at everything I do..

Panda-kun™ @hell_hound7 Damn sis your drawing is a 10/10 but ur hand writing looks like ur summoning a demon.