yurichan6 @yurichan6
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yurichan6 @yurichan6
Oh yeah, I always see miku cosplays haha. I love to draw minimalistic pieces, I have quite a few of them that I sell as prints from different fandoms. I wouldn't say there's a specific fandom I prefer drawing, I try to gage what other people like and whats most popular and base what I bring with me on that ^^ This past sac anime I had a lot of soul eater and attack on titan stuff.

yurichan6 @yurichan6
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yurichan6 @yurichan6
I actually don't know much about vocaloid. Though I do have two songs by the twins Len and Rin? (Trick and treat, and butterfly on your right shoulder) on my ipod that I enjoy ^^

fenrir55 @fenrir55
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fenrir55 @fenrir55
Hi. And I love RPG,Dating Sims, and Fighting Games. My favs are Final Fantasy,Digea,Harvest Moon,Witch No Kuni, and Tales of Xillia. What about you?

yurichan6 @yurichan6
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yurichan6 @yurichan6
Ah, cool. Anime Expo is petty fun, it's the only one that I don't sell at. Since there's always so much fun things to do! It is quite a trip though, I usually go with a couple friends so the trip isn't as bad ^^ I do, kind of haha. Most of the time I make pieces of my cosplay, then I find and buy clothing to match up for it. Like the year I did sogeking from one piece, I found pretty much the whole outfit as different pieces from thrift stores (some dying necessary)and I made the mask myself ^^ Thrift stores are fantastic for cosplay! This year will be my first time making a cosplay by sewing it myself.

yurichan6 @yurichan6
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yurichan6 @yurichan6
Yeah, I was the only kurenai at the naruto gathering when I went, it was pretty fun haha. Understandable, cosplays take a lot of time to put together >.< I go to SacAnime(winter and summer), Fanime(san jose), and Anime Expo(L.A) How about you?

yurichan6 @yurichan6
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yurichan6 @yurichan6
Ah, you should try if your up to it sometime ^^ It's pretty fun! I've cosplayed a few different things, I started with naruto (kurenai), moved to one piece (Ace,Sogeking and female crocodile) I did an attack on titan cosplay at the last sac anime, I think I tend to do my Female Crocodile from one piece the most. That one is just fun ^^

yurichan6 @yurichan6
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yurichan6 @yurichan6
Oh hey! Did you cosplay? Maybe I saw you there lol

yurichan6 @yurichan6
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yurichan6 @yurichan6
Hello! We seem to have a few anime's In common so I thought I'd say hi! :]

chrisma @chrisma
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chrisma @chrisma
thanks for checking my picture :D

vamptigergal @vamptigergal
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vamptigergal @vamptigergal
Romance, fantasy, action, family, a little bit of everything