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36 year old Male
Last online over 10 years ago
blackmage @blackmage left a comment for Hikari
Nov 08, 13 at 7:02pm
Awww you are picky! xD
Nov 08, 13 at 6:49pm
Great ^^ I had a lot of animals when i was little,but I'm glad that now when i get a new pet i can get them all in one place ^^
blackmage @blackmage left a comment for Hikari
Nov 08, 13 at 6:12pm
oh lol I havent watch MM! yet! :3 Hm I thought you didnt watch them, since they werent in your list :P What about Blood lad? or Nodame Cantabile?
blackmage @blackmage left a comment for Hikari
Nov 08, 13 at 6:12pm
oh lol I havent watch MM! yet! :3 Hm I thought you didnt watch them, since they werent in your list :P What about Blood lad? or Nodame Cantabile?
Nov 08, 13 at 3:48pm
oh i did't know that now i'll get a kitty for sure ^^
blackmage @blackmage left a comment for Hikari
Nov 08, 13 at 11:49am
well I have seen mostly comedy romance but heading more to comedy action now :) so yeah our taste are the same. :) You should try watch zero tsuakaima or toradora! really fun :P and its comedy romance :3
blackmage @blackmage left a comment for Hikari
Nov 08, 13 at 8:29am
So true.. and its hard to be open with this kind of hobby without being labeled as weirdo or creep lol.. xD that why I search for people here.. to feel my freedom as an otaku! :P So what are your genre and favorite animes? :)
Nov 08, 13 at 12:16am
yeah i have 2 little parrots, i want to have a cat too but she'll eat them lol
blackmage @blackmage left a comment for Hikari
Nov 07, 13 at 7:11pm
man its awesome you are from denmark! :D
Nov 07, 13 at 6:53pm
your welcome ^^ and yeah he looks like an angel :D =^.^=