chunkygravy @chunkygravy
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chunkygravy @chunkygravy

wolfen213 @wolfen213
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wolfen213 @wolfen213
awesome pictures bow ties are awesome

TlaLaz @tlalaz
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TlaLaz @tlalaz
Cruel fate indeed! Life kinda has been happening. I'm working two jobs right now, but I've been trying to get myself on MO a lot more often as of late!

lockonstratos @lockonstratos
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lockonstratos @lockonstratos
Hi! I see you're from
Neosho! I'm from grove! It's cool to know there's another anime fan so close! :D

ThereisnoLion @thereisnolion
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ThereisnoLion @thereisnolion
Thank you for defending our world from crazy noodle monsters. I like noodles. The crazier, the better.

obito_uchiha @obito_uchiha
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obito_uchiha @obito_uchiha
This account has been suspended.

blackmage @blackmage
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blackmage @blackmage
Hahaha! Well I can't disagree with solid argument. Yeah, even now i'm absorb with this new Dragonball xenoverse game which just arrive some days ago.. xD
I enjoy our conversation too or else I wouldn't bother continue our talking with you! =w= Anyway we can find another way to communicate with each, unless you are fine with MO. :) Oh, I think I never told you that I study to become a teacher now which is awesome but also have a lot of challenge, like now I do 4 freaking projects.. ;__; How is your study going at the moment?
Ps. You still didn't answer how is it going with you.. Baka Taylor! T3T

Daniel @djnelson159
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Daniel @djnelson159
Heyy :)

animegirl12192 @animegirl12192
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animegirl12192 @animegirl12192
5 days, Taylor! We're only 5 days away from Naka-Kon!

keyos @keyos
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keyos @keyos
hi :)
Jun 29-Jul 2
Jul 4-7
Nov 2-3
Aug 8