llAce89ll @llace89ll
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llAce89ll @llace89ll
ah so you play all of those huh? If we both had the same consoles I would be happy to kick your butt XD jk I'm sure you are good. If it's street fighter 3 forget it, you don't have a chance ; )
llAce89ll @llace89ll
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llAce89ll @llace89ll
lol awesome it's too bad that he is dead, I'm pretty sure that he could of written more good novels, he died at 66. Too young if you ask me. Do you like fighting games?
llAce89ll @llace89ll
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llAce89ll @llace89ll
do you like books by michael cricton? the guy who wrote jurassic park? I do. Well, I wouldn't say debate I'm just asking why you like the 360 better XD and what good exclusives do they have besides halo and gears of war.
Titamus @titamus
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Titamus @titamus
Singer/Performer/Producer. What you into?
llAce89ll @llace89ll
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llAce89ll @llace89ll
you won't explain to me will ya? XD
sugarhottie6 @sugarhottie6
sugarhottie6 @sugarhottie6
Yipp -Yipp- Hooray! Lol
I just completed my heart! Still don't exactly know how, but yes! Achievement unlocked, hopefully I'll figure out soon what its for lol xP
Deleted User @__removed_2febdcff2cGILeMdar
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Deleted User @__removed_2febdcff2cGILeMdar
This account has been suspended.
MiniGojira @minigojira
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MiniGojira @minigojira
Lol. At school, the students all have to sit and eat together. Some what like a mock family atmosphere; sit with your classmates and teammates for whatever sports. My friends and I would ask the other guys on the table, whom we don't know very well, random questions; this one was the first. Just get some lawls and get everyone talking xD. But, in short, there is no real reason >..> Unless you want to $$$.
SpeedWagon @ryuichisan
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SpeedWagon @ryuichisan
Umm..might be a long shot but okey then...Star bucks opened down the street?
nonsmoking @nonsmoking
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nonsmoking @nonsmoking
hoping that didnt seem weird, i just wanted to use something a little more efficient to type over. its a bit more of a hassle to check maiotaku than it is to check skype XD