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konachan @konachan left a comment for SoulRebirth
Jan 20, 10 at 6:05pm
I used to be in chorus at my old school. So we had to go to Nashville for a choral festival. We stayed at the La quinta which was crazy. To keep it short there was lots of partying, what we think were prostitutes, supervisors screaming don't look, angry truckers who blow up sidewalks, tough guys crying, and the phrase don't go to the waffle house. The best part was that my room was right buy it. I was afraid of waffle houses for a month. Grave of the fireflies is a studio ghibli film about these two kids and how the are effected by WWII. Paradise kiss is good if you into romance anime, but there are alot of anime I need to watch or finish too! I lost my place in naruto and Bleach so I don't even know what's going on anymore -_-;
konachan @konachan left a comment for SoulRebirth
Jan 20, 10 at 5:16pm
TN? Cool. I've been to Nashville for a school trip once. That was a pretty crazy trip. The problem is I just got done watching Grave of the fireflies so the rain is a little depressing, but that's ok cause I'm still in an amazingly happy mood. :) As for my favorite anime, You can't just ask me to pick one! I like them all for different reasons lol. Right now. . .if I HAD to pick. . . It would be paradise kiss. What's yours?
konachan @konachan left a comment for SoulRebirth
Jan 20, 10 at 4:44pm
Hey I'm Renee. Nice too meet you! ^^ Nothing to much is going on over here it's raining. That's about is. You?
Summer @summer left a comment for SoulRebirth
Jan 19, 10 at 11:31pm
Ahhh... PSP... I'll have to get my older brother to buy it for himself and make him lend it all to me. XD It was so amazing, last year at Anime Expo, we wanted to buy the headbands, but they were all like 20 bucks, so we were like " `^` We can live without them...i guess" but then my brother found a booth that had them for 7 dollars. *-* YUS. 7. *flail*<br>Yay! I can't wait to get more into Code Geass, it looks great so far. And I'm not far in DNAngel but its really funny and cute so far. And getting confusing in the love triangle department. XD<br>To the Next Anime Expo I plan on Cosplaying Xion. I am already making the keyblade. :D *excited* And I have saved enough money for one of those ABJDs, and will buy it as soon as my mom pays me back. x_x ... And I think I'll take him one day to the Expo and make him cosplay Roxas! Haha! :D
Summer @summer left a comment for SoulRebirth
Jan 19, 10 at 10:57pm
I've heard of Birth By Sleep! D: And I'm on the mailing list for Japanvideogames, and thats when I first saw a pic of the game or something. ;; WANT. D: But if its for a play station console, I'll be in trouble. ;^;<br>Yes, i lost interest in him completely, and just wished for his death. ;P <br>Gaara is totally my favorite character. :D Its his Birthday Today so I've been celebrating. I even wore my Hidden Leaf headband to school today. XD I wore it on my waist and hid it though. >.> And I wore my Gaara keychain as a necklace, and a Gaara pin my brother made me. xD I have but ONE anime friend in real life, and shes a Gaara fan too so in class today we spazzed out singing happy birthday. x.x;
Summer @summer left a comment for SoulRebirth
Jan 19, 10 at 10:37pm
I can't believe how amazing KH is! I can't even take the amazing-ness, but yet I do anyways. XD<br> I agree its tough. :\ But I always was an L fan. I liked Light for his ideas, I just stopped liking him after he lost his cool and went insane. xD
Summer @summer left a comment for SoulRebirth
Jan 19, 10 at 10:32pm
:D Naruto and Death Note and Kindgom Hearts are some of the the best things. *-* So then, L or Light? xD
Summer @summer left a comment for SoulRebirth
Jan 19, 10 at 10:20pm
Hey, thanks for the request. :] Your 'About Me' is really cool, I can relate to it. ^^