kurokami @firippu
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kurokami @firippu
gore, romance, slice of life. ^^

Shiny_Byeol @kakazi63
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Shiny_Byeol @kakazi63
I'm fine. I'm sorry for what happen to you. You must have a hard with you life. I truly sort of understand how you feel but I know that you are way better than your parents. I'm sure that everything will get better eventually.

vdaysnowstorm @vdaysnowstorm
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vdaysnowstorm @vdaysnowstorm
Wow it's been a while :o Sorry for not noticing your messages sooner. A lot has been happening and I might be moving in 3 months.
My last convention was Katsucon a few days ago. It was wonderful overall! Some friends came to visit the week before and we had a lot of fun. Then Thursday my girlfriend and I broke up (looooong story), but it was for the best I think and the rest of the con was relaxing.
How did your match with Blue Ivy go?! Street hockey sounds fun! I used to ice skate and compete in that, but I haven't done it in a while. I'm usually on the sidelines when it comes to offical competitions but I can also be pretty competitive when it comes to games with friends :P

tashina_karamomo @tashina_karamomo
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tashina_karamomo @tashina_karamomo
Its okay, im totally paitent. :3 i did end up getting sick for a little while and ended up working on some cosplay stuff. But mostly school work. Any ways how are you? What have you been up to lately?

Aka-san @redhawk
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Aka-san @redhawk
Oh wow that took a while to reply lol
How have you been

aschthebloody @aschthebloody
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aschthebloody @aschthebloody
This account has been suspended.

aschthebloody @aschthebloody
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aschthebloody @aschthebloody
This account has been suspended.

RiniLe @rinile
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RiniLe @rinile
Haha x3 Flying would be fun. Bugs are icky! DX But some snakes are cool as long as they aren't poisonous...>.> <.< I don't think we'll ever have a zombie attack, unless some idiot scientist decides to make zombies ._.
Oh, and sorry for the late reply xD

tashina_karamomo @tashina_karamomo
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tashina_karamomo @tashina_karamomo
Besides getting soaked or dried out by the weather, im pretty content. Just busy as ever XD
And you?

Shiny_Byeol @kakazi63
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Shiny_Byeol @kakazi63
Wow you must have a lot of problems where you live. It does sound creepy when someone is staring at you through the window and I don`t think the police will help tht much. Tht`s why I hate them so much -_- If you hve any problem you could always talk to me. ^-^