WolfraverTerra @wolfterra
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WolfraverTerra @wolfterra
I'm definitely gonna make some more interesting pins over the weekend :)
Trelós Dr.Likos @nero1209
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Trelós Dr.Likos @nero1209
Well I’m happy to hear that there are others…sadly I don’t know that many :( what of reggae I just found it and have fallen hard for it so soothing and peaceful awwwww.
OtakuN3rd @otakun3rd
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OtakuN3rd @otakun3rd
Just because I voted for Romney doen't mean I like him. I agree that marriage should be open, its not the government's place to say who can marry who. I also agree that everyone diserves to decide for themselves about their health. But I am also very worried about the country's job situation and the massive debt that we owe China, a communist country.
Yiffy Bunny @yiffy_bunny
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Yiffy Bunny @yiffy_bunny
Hi There !
We're now friends
WolfraverTerra @wolfterra
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WolfraverTerra @wolfterra
I'm actually glad I made someone smile via this pin :)
Tiger Festival @animeboy
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Tiger Festival @animeboy
No problem *Hugs very tightly*
v Lol so your dog started chewing on your stuff huh?
Rukiachan @rukia_usachan
Rukiachan @rukia_usachan
I was flabbergasted and excited about the elections and mad at my dog for grabbing My Mokona plushie to chew on and I ended up saying...and I quote "OBAMA IS NOT A CHEW TOY ABBEY!"
Tiger Festival @animeboy
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Tiger Festival @animeboy
Exactly, Bush fucked EVERYTHING up REAL Badly. It'll take Barack Obama more than 4 years to fix, we'll need another Democrat president after Obama resigns in the next four years. I just hope nothing'll be rigged like the 2000 Bush vs Gore election.
Tiger Festival @animeboy
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Tiger Festival @animeboy
Hellz Yeah you tell em Usa Chan. PPL who vote for Mitt Romney are VERY selfish for not caring about the restrictions this guy will put on us. I myself voted for Obama along with my Mother and sister. We waited 2 hours in line just so we can vote, but it was well worth it. Barack Obama is now president for the next 4 years Hellz YEAH! *High Fives Usa Chan*
WolfraverTerra @wolfterra
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WolfraverTerra @wolfterra
Good because Obama won. But seriously, my thoughts don't change and this is why I made this for what we call the 'lolz':
http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=2lw3jhz&s=6 I hope to not offend you or anyone, but seriously politics is a joke to me.