Godzilla1990 @godzilla1990
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Godzilla1990 @godzilla1990
another good song like that is halloween by the band helloween theyre pretty awesome

aylene_anarchy @aylene_anarchy
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aylene_anarchy @aylene_anarchy
hey if you want to hear someine good, look up helloween "are you metal?" fucken sick song :]

renji54 @renji54
renji54 @renji54
Or maybe it was manson i think it was him instead of Korn XD

renji54 @renji54
renji54 @renji54
yes i have heard it. i dont know why i thought of this lol but i heard a song by korn singing the song This is halloween the other day and i thought it was pretty cool... it was from a movie i seen years ago i cant rmemeber the name of it.

Godzilla1990 @godzilla1990
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Godzilla1990 @godzilla1990
yeah ive heard them i really like them a lot they do an awesome cover of iron maiden's hallowed be thy name have you heard it?

aylene_anarchy @aylene_anarchy
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aylene_anarchy @aylene_anarchy
cradle if filth is fucken fantastic

renji54 @renji54
renji54 @renji54
cradle of filth is a nother good band i like lol XD i forget about so many good bands.

aylene_anarchy @aylene_anarchy
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aylene_anarchy @aylene_anarchy
holy fucken shit, five finger death punch i fucken love them!!! i cant wait to see the liveee! there amazing!!!

Godzilla1990 @godzilla1990
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Godzilla1990 @godzilla1990
rammstein kick ass havent heard lordi i like the german band kreator really good also destruction and sodom

Godzilla1990 @godzilla1990
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Godzilla1990 @godzilla1990
you should try them sometime they are one my favorites symbolic is their best cd
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