Bunny @yeethaw
left a comment for
Mr. Rogers
Bunny @yeethaw
Thank you! And no but it want to start it soon it looks really good!
megamoosejam @megamoosejam
left a comment for
Mr. Rogers
megamoosejam @megamoosejam
Thanks for the welcome.
The birds are lorikeets I was feeding at a zoo.
Sadly I do not own them.
Marcus @marcus_k
left a comment for
Mr. Rogers
Marcus @marcus_k
subscribe to PewDiePie
Baka @reinhardt76
left a comment for
Mr. Rogers
Baka @reinhardt76
This account has been suspended.
supersonico1990 @supersonico1990
left a comment for
Mr. Rogers
supersonico1990 @supersonico1990
thank and it nice to meet ypu
Mr. Rogers @rafaelsanzio
Mr. Rogers @rafaelsanzio
I just send to the wrong chat a JoJo compialtion video
oh no D:
T @arigatogyro Everyone should be able to appreciate that!
bashful_hubris @bashful_hubris
left a comment for
Mr. Rogers
bashful_hubris @bashful_hubris
This friendship is a Jojo refrence!
bunbunbonbons @bunbunbonbons
left a comment for
Mr. Rogers
bunbunbonbons @bunbunbonbons
thanks, I think I will! :3
suikatama @suikatama
left a comment for
Mr. Rogers
suikatama @suikatama
Thank you I hope so too, people seem friendly so far! :D
(Ahahaha at first since you misrote signs I was trying to wrap my mind around how someone could sing on my profile, and why that would make things official. xD)
satan @satan
left a comment for
Mr. Rogers
satan @satan
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)