zaada @zaada
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zaada @zaada
I think I am :3

fangirlqueen @fangirlqueen
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fangirlqueen @fangirlqueen
no clue, i own the series on dvd.

zaada @zaada
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zaada @zaada
I watched the all of Full Metal and some of brotherhood >.> And then I just started watching other anime, so I must start watching it again :3

mollikia @mollikia
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mollikia @mollikia
My family is moving back to Louisiana. Do you work now?

animerangen @animerangen
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animerangen @animerangen
Rurouni Kenshin, Hellsing-Ova, Queens blade, black lagoon. I really have to much, I can't decide on which is my fav.

NoMOREheROES @nomoreheroes
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NoMOREheROES @nomoreheroes
{Holocron Message}: "Hold off on the attack for now. Tonight we will hit them with a coordinated attack. We must all ATTACK TOGETHER. Till then wait until i give the ORDER"

mollikia @mollikia
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mollikia @mollikia
Summer classes and moving to another state. You?

Sephiroth @sephiroth777
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Sephiroth @sephiroth777
*Haha* i bring fort a gift of good tidings Say Hello to my Shadow Demon It's hungry for souls and haven't been fed for thousands of years f.y.i you, your Leader, and your fellow commanders are only delaying the inevitable............
<img src="http://www.amaleenison.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/01/Shadows.jpg" alt="Art of the Flame Phoenix" width="250" height="300" />

konachan @konachan
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konachan @konachan
*suddenly appears behind* haha *shoots an energy blast in your direction* < img src= "http://nickle4apickle.deviantart.com/art/Blue-Energy-Blast-14144193" alt "energy blast" />

jackfrost @jackfrost
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jackfrost @jackfrost
im a new member of the team. I came to lend a hand in battle.