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33 year old Male
Last online over 2 years ago
Feb 26, 14 at 10:52pm
I don't mind taking a small time out of my day to plan for it. Have a lot of things already planned out how I want to go. Just need to implement it. Ya, 4.0 really good to start. I have 2 of the 3 player's hand books. Don't have all the races but have enough to choose from. They do look cool. You are basically a human size and shaped dragon. Will be back home at around 3, so if you want to have a brief view, I can get on Skype and explain the basics if you'd like.
nekokyo119 @nekokyo119 left a comment for Otamo7
Feb 26, 14 at 10:48pm
okay cool. Sounds like a lot of planning! Thats really neat you can do that. Hahaha yeah it isxD so, 4.0 would be the best edition to start with then? Dragonborn? That reminds me of skyrim. . I bet they do look cool:D
nekokyo119 @nekokyo119 left a comment for Otamo7
Feb 26, 14 at 10:04pm
I bet. Mmkay, thanks! Thats sound like a lot of fun! How many people are usually involved in your irl friend rp's? And I believe my dad gave me a second edition AD&D players handbook.
Feb 26, 14 at 9:53pm
Its not that bad. Just have to do quiet a bit of planning to, and also side tracking can make progression a little harder. With the other 2 games, don't need as many books. Nice. Well, if you ever want to learn, I can teach you. Will be working a little for my game tomorrow and Friday, get some custom NPCs going, and loot for encounters. IRL friends and I rotate games every week. What edition of D&D do you have?
nekokyo119 @nekokyo119 left a comment for Otamo7
Feb 26, 14 at 9:47pm
Oh okay. That sounds cool, I like supernatural things^~^ well maybe I can play sometime in the future :) I know! I tried looking at books to figure it out but I didnt even know where to start because there's so much.. I have a book but its an old AD&D book my dad gave me. It must be crazy being the DM:O
nekokyo119 @nekokyo119 left a comment for Otamo7
Feb 26, 14 at 8:58pm
Mmkay dokie! Ah I see, that makes sense to have night classes then. Haha well guess we can play as rookies and learn more together to not be as rooky-ish xD cool! I actually just got into real rp's, my friends and I used to just make up random rp stories but the rp club at my college is teaching me how to play pathfinder, which is pretty interesting. I'm pretty sure its a off shoot of D &D but not entirely sure. I want to play D&D eventually though and find othet rp's to enjoy. I didnt know there was a star wars rp and I've never heard of world of darkness, sounds interesting ^~^
nekokyo119 @nekokyo119 left a comment for Otamo7
Feb 26, 14 at 8:06pm
Mmkay dokie! Haha thats okay, im usually a little quiet on skype calls but after i get comfortable I start talking more. Wow, night classes? I couldn't handle those, so I take morning classes. :I really? I love Nami, but I havent used her in normals much. Thats great! I'm still pretty much a rookie from my lack of playtime, so its nice to have good teachers:D I'll message you my skype name. Okay, I try to get on on the weekend as well but depends on if I am busy or not^~^ you do rp? What rp do you do with irl friends? If you dont me me asking. I have a group of friends I like to do rpg's with at my school^~^
nekokyo119 @nekokyo119 left a comment for Otamo7
Feb 26, 14 at 7:35pm
That's cool! I've heard support this the time round the meta isn't too bad to play. I tried support Annie once and I was terrible xD that would be cool! My ign is Lekuna. When I play I often play normals with two of my friends who are both gold, so maybe we could play with them too sometime. They are great teachers and the people they play with are diamond and platinum xD Do you do skype while playing?
nekokyo119 @nekokyo119 left a comment for Otamo7
Feb 26, 14 at 7:08pm
That would be cool! I think it would be fun to do a creative version of amumu, so I think i'll have that as my second cosplay^~^ yup yup. I'm level 30 but I havent played ranked. One of the friends I play with says I'm probably upper bronze level so I'm still pretty newish. I'm planning on playing more so I can play better.I usually play mid or top and I most commonlyplay Annie, Nasus and Renekton. When I do other lanes I like Soraka support but Ive never played ADC. With the new meta I think I need to switch up championd and get a new play style but I havent had a lot of time to play this quarter. What champions do you play?
nekokyo119 @nekokyo119 left a comment for Otamo7
Feb 26, 14 at 6:35pm
Thank you and I wish you luck in yours! Thats awesome! Hmmm master yi seems like his headgear would take a bit if work to accomplish. Lucian would be pretty cool! I thought about cosplaying Annie or Animus for my last con... I think I might still do that sometime ^~^
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