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34 year old Male
Last online over 2 years ago
Ah I see, I see. I'm also that way with anything really- It all depends on circumstance!
Mmm anything that I like--I dont have a particular genre or anything. It's just a whole "hey i like that" scenario
really? i've been meaning to read scott pilgrim..... Anywho yes, I guess it's just a mental thing
Aww that sounds so sweet~ But with my memory, names and faces are almost always extremely hard to remember. Also my mind seems to make up new memories (like of living in houses I've never lived in) where old ones have been lost (I don't remember what any of my old houses looked like)...it's very odd indeed.
D'aww BUT YOU PROBABLY WILL HAVE ANOTHER CHANCE! FO SHO! Japan is probably a cheap trip right? And memories are nice~ but my memory is INCREDIBLY horrible And no worries I don't mind spelling errors what so ever!
Why is it that everyone has seen these events all except for me? .3. I kindof always thought time capules in schools were an urban myth created by the media........huh.....do out of country feild trips and haunted houses appear in schools too?
Wow hun! You must be worn out! You should hop into bed and you'll probably feel better in the morning! (although more sleep makes me a grouch) but you're probably more human and can feel refreshed after a good 8 hours!
Oh no! Don't apologize hun! And it was pretty busy, I was busy with school and then went to wensday church with my friend and I've been getting ready for one of my friend's birthdays and decided to make a time capsule for the event (with my lack of money and his lack of wanting anything) But yeah, just a usual day! How were you hun?
I'm good~ a teensy bit bored but it's kinda nice.
Evangelion is awesome, too! I love all music, as long as it sounds good. I see in your profile you play the guitar, that's awesome! What kind of music are you interested in?
Premium Upgrade
Apr 22-24