terriermon17 @konata18
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terriermon17 @konata18
ur so lucky lolz. im jealous of you. its hard foe me to go to a upcoming con cuz of work. but thats why your my hero noriko,
Noriko @noriko
Noriko @noriko
I'm not really sure; I haven't been to Anime STL yet. The only bad thing about Bishiecon is that it's in November, and I'm going to Youmacon the last week of October/first week of November, so I really can't afford to go to another con that soon. ^_^
terriermon17 @konata18
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terriermon17 @konata18
i been to a few, there actually really intresting to browse at. that event sounds like fun
terriermon17 @konata18
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terriermon17 @konata18
whatever works with you too. lolz. im up for any challenge
WarriorItagaki @warrioritagaki
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WarriorItagaki @warrioritagaki
Aw flying isent so bad its faster than driving I looked up a cost for a ticket to St.Louis for Bishiecon and the cost roundtrip was only $150-160 thats not bad at all. Lols I wasent suggesting Bishiecon for terriermon I only suggest stuff like that for the girls or gay boys. Hey Im huge on artist alleys do they have a good one for anime stl?
Noriko @noriko
Noriko @noriko
Here's the site for Anime STL: http://www.animestl.net/
Looks like it would be toward end of March if it follows last year's dates. Of course, if you guys prefer a larger con, then we can always do Anime Central.. 'Acen'!
Noriko @noriko
Noriko @noriko
Yeah, I don't know which one we should go to. Me and Terriermon17 aren't too far apart, but poor Itagaki is way down there lol. I can't think of any major cons that would be closer to her. :/ Like she says, there are a few cons here in the St Louis area... Bishiecon probably wouldn't be so much fun for terriermon, but there is Anime STL, which is not for a specific type of anime, but for all anime. It's next spring, so we'd have plenty of time to plan. Plus my brother would come with me to that one, so we'd have another boy, and four even. Then the room would be cheap for all of us. ^_^ I guess itagaki would hafta fly up, unless the Amtrak comes from there to here. I know terriermon could take Amtrak here. What do you guys think?
terriermon17 @konata18
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terriermon17 @konata18
i meant just. lolz
terriermon17 @konata18
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terriermon17 @konata18
im from washington, il hust to let you know. lolz
terriermon17 @konata18
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terriermon17 @konata18
sounds like a plan itagaki.im probably gonna cosplay as one of the vocaloid members, but yea im still scouting too. lolz