nanael @nanael
nanael @nanael
How many fantasy races do you know? ( Counting different types of the same base race, like elfs/dark elfs )
nanael @nanael
nanael @nanael
Haven't been able to write for a week, any ideas?
nanael @nanael
nanael @nanael
And more stupid things happening here. You could have a special retirement if the place where you work contained dangerous or toxic substances, but now our supreme court decided that if you are using individual protection equipment that is considered "effective" ( ALL ) you don't receive this "bonus".
If you worked part of your life in this dangerous jobs and left you could use this time as normal retirement time with a small bonus in the lenght, for exemple 10 years counting as 11 ( just a exemple ). Now it doesn't count like that anymore, soo, if you worked 90% of the time in this dangerous jobs and the last 10% in a normal job, you WON'T receive any benefit.
To make things even more stupid, judges that ARE NOT EXPOSED TO ANY OF THIS SUBSTANCES, RECEIVE THE BONUS!
While all this is happening, we are having the olimpics.
We need our military to raise against this insanity, they've broken the constitution multiple times and don't give a fuck about it.
nanael @nanael
nanael @nanael
Age required to retire on Brasil if the new project is accepted -> 70 years
Time to get retired depends on your luck and can take up to 5 years, in a total of 75 years.
Average life expectancy -> 73 years
Retirement tax is not optional, u WILL pay it.
If in the bank, the total ammount you paid during your whole life would give you MORE money then they pay u.
Maximum value you can receive while retired: $1000.
Ammount paid by judges: 0
Judges don't have a maximum retirement salary, some receive over $8000 easy.
In other words, make the workers work more, steal their money, and make sure they'll never reach the necessary age to retire.
That's Brasilian quality right there.
nanael @nanael
nanael @nanael
Still having trouble in the first 10 chapters...
Making a dark story in a fantasy world can be quite a challange, takes too long for the story to develop, but without this first chapters things wouldn't make sense. Too much backstory to just roll without it.
Elz @enerezu
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Elz @enerezu
O.o ?
nanael @nanael
nanael @nanael
Ok, time to return to the book, new ideas and a lot of information to research.
nanael @nanael
nanael @nanael
Just watched re:zero episode 15... poor Rem... At least it wasn't as bad as in the novel but... i know what will happen and i feel soo sad about it...
nanael @nanael
nanael @nanael
I've no idea about what happened '-'
avriel2004 @avriel2004
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avriel2004 @avriel2004
This account has been suspended.
Sunbae @alanzd I'm curious as to what this said. Please inform me