Aka-san @redhawk
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Aka-san @redhawk
hmm, not sure how to say this, but in a way yes I want to, but recently it seems like I wont gain much from it in the long run, so its more of a hobby
Aka-san @redhawk
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Aka-san @redhawk
Thank you, that means alot.
Aka-san @redhawk
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Aka-san @redhawk
well this is the first title I'm working on: Tears of Terra
The story begins when a teen named Ken, who lives on earth but always felt like he never belonged there, he begins to think that something exciting would happen to make his lifestyle better and not too dull. Truth is that he is the descendant of a hero named Valor from Earth's twin planet named Terra which exists within a parallel dimension. On Terra, the things we believe as Fantasy exist, like Magick for example. But years ago on Terra there was a war between Heaven and Hell. The Holy Order of Knights fought in the name of Heaven while the Dark Order fought in the name of Arcanedeus who created Hell. Valor managed to defeat Arcanedeus and seal him away for many years, and Valor soon left Terra to travel to Earth via the Dimensional Rift. After many years of imprisonment, the magic seal on Arcanedeus is weakening and the Dark Order will make their move to free Arcanedeus, so the Holy Order of knights will need the powers of Valor in the new fight against evil and send one of their Knights, Zadklas to Earth to find Ken. But the Dark Order is also aware of this plan and send their own agents follow Zadklas through the Dimensional Rift to Earth. The battle on Terra will renew once again, and who will reach Ken first.
what do you think of the story summary so far? its the first story arc with more to come
NekoKagome @nekokagome
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NekoKagome @nekokagome
That's cool! We should add each other there!
Aka-san @redhawk
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Aka-san @redhawk
can I get your opinion on a manga I'm working on?
mathewson @mathewson
mathewson @mathewson
cuz the store has shipments every so often sor some resen
Aka-san @redhawk
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Aka-san @redhawk
it would make sense, since matbe other people ordered some things as well, why it would all arrive at the same time
mathewson @mathewson
mathewson @mathewson
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8jTHfdgCiDU Dat opening!
NekoKagome @nekokagome
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NekoKagome @nekokagome
Organize an anime list! It is so helpful, especially distinguishing which ones you watched and ones you plan to watch. I finally made one on myanimelist.
Aka-san @redhawk
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Aka-san @redhawk
Jesus you should talk to them about it then. Its almost been a whole month