Nyte Skye @nyteskye
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Nyte Skye @nyteskye
Also would you mind if I added you on AIM?

Nyte Skye @nyteskye
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Nyte Skye @nyteskye
As a matter a fact yes I do have a 360 ^_^ and that sounds great I need someone to play RE5 and L4D with

Nyte Skye @nyteskye
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Nyte Skye @nyteskye
I did cosplay but I didn't have a resident evil one at the time. I was most likely in my FFVII artbook Aerith cosplay if you saw me, lol. So I looked at your "About me" thing and I'm liking your choice of games lol

Nyte Skye @nyteskye
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Nyte Skye @nyteskye
Hey I remember seeing you as Billy at youmacon ^_^ it was a really good cosplay. Just really trying to find fellow RE fans ^^

Sasara @sasara
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Sasara @sasara
Awwwww! D: that sux! Ya I have a facebook. :) just search for me by e-mail, its a lot faster. And I have the same pic up as I do on here. My e-mail is itachifangirl93@yahoo.com

Sasara @sasara
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Sasara @sasara
Hi! whats up? im new on here. :x
Farhana @farhana
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Farhana @farhana
Me too.My exam has been over.What about u?
Farhana @farhana
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Farhana @farhana
Whats up?

Closed @tafa
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Closed @tafa
I didn't cosplay even though I really wanted to. I like your costume, though. One of my friends was him for halloween (and I was Navi from Zelda). I really enjoyed just sort of looking at everything - the costumes, the art, the merchandise, etc. Everyone seemed so friendly, I even hugged a Shy Guy! What are you into aside from anime/manga/video games (the given things)?

Closed @tafa
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Closed @tafa
It's going pretty well, how about you?
I actually just got back into anime/manga recently. I was into it for a long time, and then took a few years off (why? I have no idea, it was a stupid choice), so I'm in the midst of watching Bleach and Soul Eater, but I also like Yuyu Hakusho, Ruroni Kenshin, DBZ, and a few others. I'm up for suggestions, though.
So I see that you went to Youmacon this year. I did too! Were you there on Sunday by any chance? What was your favorite part of the convention?