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London, United Kingdom
adam4472 @adam4472 left a comment for KikaishikiTokei
Feb 10, 14 at 5:10pm
I love the works of Alan Moore, especially The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen. The characters he creates are so easy to relate with yet they remain mysterious. Alan Moore is a really weird guy though.
adam4472 @adam4472 left a comment for KikaishikiTokei
Feb 10, 14 at 4:44pm
I normally but my costumes online actually, i'm horrible at sewing. In the past i think i have gone as Rorschach, V (from v for vendetta)and Micheal Myers. I'm currently trying to put together a costume for a post apocalyptic soldier.
Cid @tylor left a comment for KikaishikiTokei
Feb 10, 14 at 4:40pm
that's cool kitacons full sadly but ill be at the may expo staying right next to the venue how ever there is this con in August if your interested #http://www.gemucon.com/ PS I added you as a friend :)
Feb 10, 14 at 3:52pm
Yes, its the rollerblades with one row of wheels. And its exactly why im even happier to move, cause there is a couple of really silent roads, with nearly no cars at all. I nearly have my balance, what i have most problems with is braking. Atm my right foot where the brake is gets tired too fast for me to hold it down propertly. So in the end i mostly have to grab something and stop myself. So ima train alot after i moved, cause i really like staying on Inliners. :3 Would it be something you would like to try again one day? Haha. Atleast you can laugh about it. I have a really hard time doing it too. But as said, i cant really draw from my head. On the other hand i can draw pretty precise from what im looking at, when it comes to anime. But as long as you enjoy drawing, its really all that matters. Am i not right? ^w^ I would like to try see some of the drawings you made though. :3
adam4472 @adam4472 left a comment for KikaishikiTokei
Feb 10, 14 at 3:10pm
I sometimes cosplay it depends if money allows. I like to dress up as masked characters.
Cid @tylor left a comment for KikaishikiTokei
Feb 10, 14 at 2:53pm
I know what you mean and when you do find them they are scatted all over the uk are you going to the London expo in may by the way or Kitacon?
Feb 10, 14 at 2:45pm
Ah, then we share another thing, with houses. ^w^/ Yea, i need to exercise more myself. Hoping to do it more where im moving to, since its much more silent and nearly no trafic in the town and some roads. I plan to train my balance with my inliners again after i moved, since the big city is way too busy and too much trafic for me to train my balance propertly in. You know what Inliners are? Atm, im still packing crates and chatting alittle, while listening to abit of music. :3
Feb 10, 14 at 2:31pm
Oh, sounds nice. :3 The place im moving to i allready know quite okay. Its the place i lived before moving out for myself. ^w^ Its an old couple that rent out the top part of their large house, which im moving into. 55 m2 if i havent said allready. Its quite nice, and i like the old look my new apartment have inside. There's something charming about it. :3 So what you running around doing now?
Cid @tylor left a comment for KikaishikiTokei
Feb 10, 14 at 2:14pm
hello fellow brit nice to see there is a few more of us :)
Feb 10, 14 at 1:29pm
Packing is going slowly forward yes. Im just putting more and more stress on myself the closer i got to Saturday. But nearly everything is on crates now. :3 How have your day been?