Opportunity714 @opportunity714
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Kanto Kanrei
Opportunity714 @opportunity714
Yes Wolf's Rain was very good but it depressed me afterwards lol, I cried really hard when Toboe died. My cousin told me it was a must watch :P

Opportunity714 @opportunity714
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Kanto Kanrei
Opportunity714 @opportunity714
Thank you so much! I can't wait to see what this site has in store for me.

Adorable Neko <3 @kikyo1525
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Kanto Kanrei
Adorable Neko <3 @kikyo1525
Why hello there :3 how are you?

Adorable Neko <3 @kikyo1525
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Kanto Kanrei
Adorable Neko <3 @kikyo1525
Hello. :3

Adorable Neko <3 @kikyo1525
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Kanto Kanrei
Adorable Neko <3 @kikyo1525
Hello. :3

Adorable Neko <3 @kikyo1525
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Kanto Kanrei
Adorable Neko <3 @kikyo1525
Hello. :3

Kanto Kanrei @kanto
Kanto Kanrei @kanto
Yea that is a tough field but it is very interesting. When I was a kid was taken to a lot of museums that mainly deal with prehistoric life they interested me so much. Like the museums that are in Washington D.C. they had some of the better ones. Heck growing up their was a creek near by that I would collect petrified wood from their, ended up with over five hundred pieces. XD How is the process coming along for your college? You going to live on campus or do something else instead like a apartment or etc.? I will say this really wish Netflix would update its anime list. -_-

AlliKuchiki @allikuchiki
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Kanto Kanrei
AlliKuchiki @allikuchiki
I'm planning to go to Doane college and major in Biology. I plan on becoming a Paleontologist! :D Oh man, I don't know what darkest Anime I've seen... I'd have to say that, well it's not really an anime but the Corpse Party OVA was pretty dark. I've read a whole bunch of Junji Ito manga, and he's really good at writing Horror Manga.

Kanto Kanrei @kanto
Kanto Kanrei @kanto
Just started playing Old Republic it is addicting felt good to see reference to Revan and the Mandalorian Wars.

AlliKuchiki @allikuchiki
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Kanto Kanrei
AlliKuchiki @allikuchiki
Things are going pretty alright, I'm a little stressed over college stuff but I'm sure I'll work through it! :D and uwu is a little japanese emoticon thing lol. My friend types it to me a lot, so I just started to pick it up. Actually my favorite is Deadpool, :3 He is in fact, my spirit animal. Lol!