✧Bella_Vanna✧ @junkosan209
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✧Bella_Vanna✧ @junkosan209
(º ロ º )

justintime @justintime
justintime @justintime
I'm wishy washy lol I worked construction, became a Marine, became a Snowboard Instructor after that and a security officer at a 5 star hotel. Now I'm starting my quest for college.

✧Bella_Vanna✧ @junkosan209
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✧Bella_Vanna✧ @junkosan209
Pretty much ^^
So what about u?
Do u have a job yet? ;0;

✧Bella_Vanna✧ @junkosan209
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✧Bella_Vanna✧ @junkosan209
Always look for a gaming company.
But first I need to take some college classes then look at gaming companies for internships. If your good they will hire you ASAP

✧Bella_Vanna✧ @junkosan209
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✧Bella_Vanna✧ @junkosan209
I'm planing to be a video game designer.

nekuchu @nekuchu
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nekuchu @nekuchu
mmm http://anilist.co/animelist/12165/xNeko <-

✧Bella_Vanna✧ @junkosan209
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✧Bella_Vanna✧ @junkosan209
Lol XD
But I don't have to worry about school anymore.
I'm homeschooled and I'm graduating next year

nekuchu @nekuchu
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nekuchu @nekuchu
uwaaa that one is on my list but I'm trying to catch up on the anime I already started about 1-2 months ago XD;; I've been procrastinating huehue

✧Bella_Vanna✧ @junkosan209
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✧Bella_Vanna✧ @junkosan209
The doctor has been adjusting it... But it feels like its getting worse.
I mean when I sit on a couch or lay on the bed my mother has so lift me up to get out of bed. Like seriously the pain huts that bad.... Its like someone threw lighting at me ;-;

nekuchu @nekuchu
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nekuchu @nekuchu
thankyuuu :3 I love it so much!