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124 year old Male
Last online over 10 years ago
Oct 25, 12 at 12:42pm
Eh, been having artist block recently when I really need to do designs for class and stuff. Have to create some textile print designs that are due next week and throw them on an illustration for a small poster thing. Really sucks. I don't watch Dr. Who but I've seen stuff and people talking about it.
/unknown @kyrie left a comment for NoLongerActive
Oct 25, 12 at 1:29am
TV and movies are different! D< I wouldn't know if Michael Cera's in any sitcoms.
Oct 25, 12 at 12:26am
Heyo~ What's up?
/unknown @kyrie left a comment for NoLongerActive
Oct 24, 12 at 2:27pm
I'm considering the ideal forum, but I really have no preferences. I guess it's whatever comes along I take interest in.
/unknown @kyrie left a comment for NoLongerActive
Oct 24, 12 at 2:26pm
Nah, I don't watch TV. I'm a fire sign, so perfect's reasonable fire. I dated an air sign and had extreme highs and lows, but makes sense, huh? lol.
I should be his stunt double then or something. You could make one of those ideal GF threads. I'm sure someone is bound to see it, that has some resemblance of what your looking for. Have you ever seen "The Stepford Wives"? Sometimes have exactly what you want is rather boring.
/unknown @kyrie left a comment for NoLongerActive
Oct 24, 12 at 5:23am
I think you look like Michael Cera.
/unknown @kyrie left a comment for NoLongerActive
Oct 24, 12 at 5:23am
Nope. I also fail to see the resemblance. However, my taste in women is a bit strange. Haven't met anyone I can agree with.
/unknown @kyrie left a comment for NoLongerActive
Oct 24, 12 at 4:39am
Best name on site. Best age, too.
Oct 19, 12 at 11:13am
Ha now that makes perfect sense, nice.