April Moon @iapril
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April Moon @iapril
Not really 'xD Meeting people in person isn't the same. Ohs! Ums. It's like an anime musical xD There is singing in like almost every episode.
April Moon @iapril
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April Moon @iapril
Ello :3 Thank you~ And I know xD Well it's cause I'm semi-shy on the internet. I find the internet an easier way to express myself then I could in rl >_<; Which I can't do at All in rl 'xD
Bob @brangill
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Bob @brangill
No prob ('▽')
instantcrush @instantcrush
instantcrush @instantcrush
thx for advice, ill give it a shot, not quite half way done with kaze no stigma atm, will have to come after that.
Bob @brangill
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Bob @brangill
Yes! K-ON is an awesome anime! I would recommend it for those who wants to see something a bit different! :)
Bob @brangill
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Bob @brangill
You got a nice list of anime dude :D