Greg @igregrocks
Greg @igregrocks
Sunday morning legs. First time on this machine, knee was bothering me after a few sets of hack squats so I gave it a try. Might add this in to my normal routine
Greg @igregrocks
Greg @igregrocks
Greg @igregrocks
Greg @igregrocks
2am Friday chest day!
Greg @igregrocks
Greg @igregrocks
Yesterday was productive
Greg @igregrocks
Greg @igregrocks
Greg @igregrocks
Greg @igregrocks
Happy new year everyone!
Greg @igregrocks
Greg @igregrocks
Merry Christmas everyone
Greg @igregrocks
Greg @igregrocks
Might go down to Orlando for new years
Greg @igregrocks
Greg @igregrocks
Shoulder is healing, I think I'll be back to where I used to be in 6 months or so.
Greg @igregrocks
Greg @igregrocks
May 26-29
May 27-29
Jul 15-17
Jul 15-17