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Trelós Dr.Likos @nero1209 left a comment for Miranda
Apr 13, 13 at 11:30pm
Eh I don't know though there are plenty of girls I've run into that are the same way
Dokuji @chibisoul left a comment for Miranda
Apr 13, 13 at 9:12pm
well im in Wisconsin where its still freezing ass cold in mid april sooo yeah XD. yeah, im very into it. though i know next to nothing about what i need to know to actually do it. :(
meow =^-^=~ @meow left a comment for Miranda
Apr 13, 13 at 1:53pm
awe! you are so sweet! ^_^ how is your day going so far Miranda?
Dokuji @chibisoul left a comment for Miranda
Apr 13, 13 at 12:25pm
i am pretty good lately. how are you? how's texas? I'd really like to live in austin. theres a lot of game design there.
meow =^-^=~ @meow left a comment for Miranda
Apr 12, 13 at 11:01pm
my pleasure, and i hope this isnt too forward, but you are incredibly beautiful!
Trelós Dr.Likos @nero1209 left a comment for Miranda
Apr 12, 13 at 5:53pm
I know guys are such weiners sometimes X)
Apr 12, 13 at 1:41pm
Visting the library before i go home and plant some potatoes, strawberries and spearmint
Trelós Dr.Likos @nero1209 left a comment for Miranda
Apr 12, 13 at 11:54am
I know and its stupid but a lot of guys have an odd macho man complex where they don't want to appere weak or smorthing stupid like that, and yeah sure some are shy I just feel if your not willing to show off your love than its not in its truest form, and sadly many don't let it get there
Dokuji @chibisoul left a comment for Miranda
Apr 11, 13 at 11:36pm
o.o thank you! it's nice to meet you too! :P :3
Trelós Dr.Likos @nero1209 left a comment for Miranda
Apr 11, 13 at 10:48pm
Oh yeah, well I'll admit a lot of guys who are don't like to show it, don't know why though I always loved being with my girl and cuddling or whatever I guess some guys are just to wimpy to be romantic X)