sarah00187 @sarah00187
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sarah00187 @sarah00187
well i have more than 1 naruto 1 but one i draw on lined paper and scan it on deviantart and the other 1 im doing in little books that i got from the dollar store =P

Subject_ZER0 @subject_zer0
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Subject_ZER0 @subject_zer0
Yeah I know what its like

Subject_ZER0 @subject_zer0
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Subject_ZER0 @subject_zer0
Hey nice to see other people from Cali on here. How are you?

sarah00187 @sarah00187
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sarah00187 @sarah00187
what book chu talking bout i has 2 many DX if u nean the naruto fan 1 yes and others no =P

sarah00187 @sarah00187
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sarah00187 @sarah00187
nope i have never been able to draw the some picture more than once and if i did it would take me like 5 hours to get it right =3

sarah00187 @sarah00187
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sarah00187 @sarah00187
well what i do is u draw a stick figure then add circles around the sticks then add pant of a shirt outline then hair then fine detail and da face =P thats what i do =3

sarah00187 @sarah00187
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sarah00187 @sarah00187
=O he mst be good and ur good y u say ur bad D=

sarah00187 @sarah00187
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sarah00187 @sarah00187
u so good y u say u bad D=

☆Gx-Kai☆ @emo_tsuna
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☆Gx-Kai☆ @emo_tsuna
LoL yeah I get the yugioh thing alot, it's because I play the game competitively and go to regional tournaments for it so I like to be in the know about cards. The last book I read was "Everything you ever wanted to know about zombies" I picked it up @ Comikaze Expo and it's really good, it's more on the scientific approach about zombies and scientific how it's possible for a zombie outbreak. For I games I usually play fighting games like Marvel vs Capcom and street fighter, right now I'm playing Soul Calibur 5 and it's absorbed most o my time, but I also play other games like Resident evil or Pokemon, I don't play any of the COD games cuz they are overrated in my opinion so I play Gears of war instead. I guess ther will always be pros and cons to what kind of way you get education but atleast your doing it right, most people don't respect the fact that they are homeschooled and just brush it off and don't do it.

☆Gx-Kai☆ @emo_tsuna
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☆Gx-Kai☆ @emo_tsuna
On my free time I tweek around my yugioh deck for the most part, either that or I'll play whatever games I have out. I also enjoy reading almost any kind of literature as long as its interesting. On the weekends I'm usually at hanging out at little Tokyo with my brother or getting together with the bro's for video game sessions. I also draw when inspiration hits, but not much has come my way for a while...
Homeschool seems pretty lame for the most part, a couple of my friend at school have/had it and I haven't heard from them again(;゜0゜)how is it for you?