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Apr 03, 11 at 10:06pm
Yup, I totally recommend Kawaii-Radio ^_^ It has jpop, jrock, anime/video game soundtracks..It's really a fun station =) I also like Utada Hikaru :D and Maaya Sakamoto, and a bunch of others I can't think of at the moment XD Aww I'm sure he's still cute >_< For a long while, I had a guinea pig and I spoiled him so much XD I was thinking of getting a cat soon ^_^
AnimexGirlX @animexgirlx left a comment for Mimmy
Apr 03, 11 at 9:55pm
:D I love Within Temptation haha. Not many people know about them. They should though (: Hmm... Well Pokemon started it haha. Then after Pokemon, I got introduced to Inuyasha. And I was exposed to more and more Anime! ^_^
Riideg @riideg left a comment for Mimmy
Apr 03, 11 at 9:49pm
Umm Two And A Half Men, Family Guy, American Dad and a lot more that I don't wanna list haha. But I pretty much watch anything as long as it keeps me entertained, what are some of your shows?
Riideg @riideg left a comment for Mimmy
Apr 03, 11 at 9:32pm
I know what you mean, I have so many more on my shelf that I love xD
Riideg @riideg left a comment for Mimmy
Apr 03, 11 at 8:46pm
Wooo it's nice to see a fellow MTH fan! Lol as far as movies go my top three favorite movies would have to be Grandmas Boy, Zombieland, and Resident Evil: Afterlife. I mainly watch action, comedy and horror lol, how about you?
Riideg @riideg left a comment for Mimmy
Apr 03, 11 at 7:58pm
Nice, I think I've heard of them before. I've only listened to a few J-Rock bands but my favorite would have to Maximum The Hormone. Caught on to them ever since Death Note haha.
souleater1227 @souleater1227 left a comment for Mimmy
Apr 03, 11 at 7:45pm
I love animals I have 4 cats and 2 dogs there like my kids lol
Riideg @riideg left a comment for Mimmy
Apr 03, 11 at 7:41pm
Well you seem like quite the busy person haha. And for music I'd have to say I'm mainly into metal/techno and alternative, but I listen to pretty much anything except for country.
souleater1227 @souleater1227 left a comment for Mimmy
Apr 03, 11 at 7:35pm
Yeah I'm close with my family do you have any friends that are into anime I don't do you have any brothers or sisters I'm an only child.
souleater1227 @souleater1227 left a comment for Mimmy
Apr 03, 11 at 7:21pm
Sure I can wait I'm a patient person I'm sorry if I was a little to straight forward I hope I didn't put uneasy feelings between us if I did I didn't mean to yeah your right we need to get to know each other a lot better. What else would you like to know about me you can ask me anything