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33 year old Female
Last online over 4 years ago
Apr 16, 11 at 8:35pm
I just reserved my ticket for anime expo, after 11 years of anime watching I am finally taking the time to go to a con. But yeah raving gloves are a blast to play with. I've always been a sucker for bright colorful lights, it's like visual joy XP.
Apr 16, 11 at 8:08pm
Yeah same here, last thing I need is some guy to drug me up and take me to God knows where. I haven't been to a CON. yet so I had no idea that they throw raves. Sounds like all the more reason to get to one. You have a pair of raving gloves to play with while listening to music?
Apr 16, 11 at 5:37pm
Yeah I think I will end up getting the new Mortal Kombat to keep my fighting collection growing. It will be the first time I have played Mortal Kombat in over 10 years. So you are a techno trance girl I see. You ever do any rave parties?
otakunick @otakunick left a comment for Happiegal
Apr 16, 11 at 12:26am
lol well yes she duse but she dusint stay dead tecknecly all three of them die but key being key brout them back useing the fantasy part of thare realistic fantasy story lol
Krarktel @krarktel left a comment for Happiegal
Apr 15, 11 at 1:25pm
You're welcome, and I'm doing good. How about you?
Katsou @fai2568 left a comment for Happiegal
Apr 15, 11 at 1:10pm
I see your a Clannad fan ^.^ So what video games do you play?
Domino369 @domino369 left a comment for Happiegal
Apr 15, 11 at 2:20am
I honestly wish I had the money for a cosplay this year but sadly I don't T_T *reminises on the reasons to get a job again despite 18+ credit hours* I would do Archer from Fate/Stay Night though :D
Arkquency @shadonova left a comment for Happiegal
Apr 14, 11 at 8:38pm
School isn't stoopid lol. Just working and going to school. I wanted to go to MTAC but I can't. One of these days I'm gonna make it to an anime con.
Domino369 @domino369 left a comment for Happiegal
Apr 14, 11 at 1:55am
AAA I'm too excited for Anime Boston in 8 days. Boston too, it's just too beautiful of a city. I just hope I don't geek out too much XD
otakunick @otakunick left a comment for Happiegal
Apr 12, 11 at 2:37pm
the movies okay alot closer to the games art but the anime is more fathfull to the story and thats what i think is inportent