blossoming_rose @blossoming_rose
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blossoming_rose @blossoming_rose
That sounds familiar. I will check it out. I have some amine I need to finish first though like Pyscho Pass 2. ^_^ I love that anime XD Makishima is one of my favorite villains and I didnt want him to die :( I wanted to know more about him.
blossoming_rose @blossoming_rose
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blossoming_rose @blossoming_rose
Ah cool ^-^ What anime is he from?
blossoming_rose @blossoming_rose
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blossoming_rose @blossoming_rose
Cool profile pic ^_^
AnthonytheArcher @emiyathearcher
AnthonytheArcher @emiyathearcher
Just got back from Sakura Con. Fuckin' amazing time.
AnthonytheArcher @emiyathearcher
AnthonytheArcher @emiyathearcher
Ah, I'm in a great mood. I have tracked down so many great games from the olden days (just ps2 and before). I got persona 3: Fes, persona 4, Lunar: Silver Star Story Complete, Shadow of the Colossus, and Parasite Eve. And all in the last month. I don't think I can have a bad day for at least a couple months.