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rehearsals? for what o n o
Aug 06, 13 at 8:05am
i will watch me :p awe, well im sorry for your lost, its always hard when you lose someone, but at least you had time to see it coming, thats why im pre-med, i wanna make the world a little less sad :) hmm doesnt really work when you patrol a retirement home xD, although i could sneak around like a ninja and scare old people ;) if i get arrested im balming you!
Damm I need to get on here more often haha! Animes, Cosplaying although don't do as much as I like as aren't any good cons around here :( creating mods for computers games, playing guitar to name but a few, does kind of seem like I have a new hobbie every week haha, Got much on at the moment?
ksong @ksong left a comment for embracethemadness
Aug 04, 13 at 2:30pm
Wow that's cool! Which one do you like or prefer more? I tried instruments but didn't end up being any good at it :P Marching band sounds like alot of work especially with the whole coordination thing while moving :0 So are you planning on doing marching band for college?
Aug 04, 13 at 12:46pm
xD aha youve inspired me to go to petco and buy another guinea pig and name him George Washington........Carver! awe, i hope everythings alright love :/ yea, i guess thats why im working security instead of a nice air conditioned hospital
Aug 03, 13 at 10:28pm
guess i found someone to proof read my college essays :p we have the coolest guinea pig names haha i guess cool people think alike yes mam :), only its really hard to find work in the medical field when you have no qualifications aha
ksong @ksong left a comment for embracethemadness
Aug 03, 13 at 3:52pm
Haha cool! What instrument do you play? I see my university's marching band practicing pretty often. Yeah free food is the best kind of food xD It makes it all the more delicious :)
ksong @ksong left a comment for embracethemadness
Aug 02, 13 at 11:57pm
Oh do you work? I had a long but fun day. :) Hung out and helped out my friend today. He bought me lunch so it was worth it :P
Aug 02, 13 at 11:36pm
Haha, that's a first xD, are you a big reader? I have. Guinea pig to, I call him Morgan freeman Getting dressed, about to go to work :/
Aug 02, 13 at 10:21pm
I'm dave :) What's up?
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