The_Father_of_Mai @dontfriendme
The_Father_of_Mai @dontfriendme

For KC ;P

Luna_x @luna_x
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Luna_x @luna_x
nice rap big brover :3

SenkoSan @senkosan
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SenkoSan @senkosan
you kinda sound like corpse :0 youre latest rap is my fav. keep up the good work

The_Father_of_Mai @dontfriendme
The_Father_of_Mai @dontfriendme
pray for Luna_x please. its not my place to say what happened but please show her some love

The_Father_of_Mai @dontfriendme
The_Father_of_Mai @dontfriendme

SOUTH/SiDe of Hell

The_Father_of_Mai @dontfriendme
The_Father_of_Mai @dontfriendme

Behold my newest rap! please listen with headphones for a better experience!

Luna_x @luna_x
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Luna_x @luna_x
come back you baka...

The_Father_of_Mai @dontfriendme
The_Father_of_Mai @dontfriendme

I finally finished my rap guys! enjoy!

The_Father_of_Mai @dontfriendme
The_Father_of_Mai @dontfriendme
i need to chane my user to "friend me" this account was supposed to be a backup but now its my main and I feel like people really take my @ to heart ;-;

banana milk @iloveminecraft123 FRRRRRRR

The_Father_of_Mai @dontfriendme
The_Father_of_Mai @dontfriendme
ive never wished death upon somebody, but right now I think I'll sell my soul to Satan to watch you burn bitch