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Last online about 5 years ago
Pillow @zmilli left a comment for Daggera
Feb 20, 17 at 3:37pm
Your dream killed me xD lmao
Daggera @daggera Trust me, me too. X_X
Feb 20, 17 at 3:34pm
http://pm1.narvii.com/5733/7c857dc9b490ec7359ec8949a4ac79a74c7e0d02_hq.jpg Fuck my dreams.... I woke up with a dream that should have been happy but turned out annoying because my own mind likes to go against me and piss me off. You know what brain, fuck off. -.- There are some parts that are laughable however in the dream so there is that. Dream: I was finally going to meet Azure for the first time and I guess I went to Cali because I was waiting to meet him somewhere outside next to a wooden wagon (I have no idea why) When I saw him arrive I hid myself behind the wagon being my shy self but then a group of his friends showed up, found me, and started swarming us so I didn't even get to really talk to him and they won't leave us alone. The worse part is they kept blabbing their mouths and wouldn't shut up, blah blah blah... -_-; Boredom and anxiety ensued and I started organizing their can goods checking the expiration dates just to get a hold of my nerves. (I never touch people's stuff normally without asking) They didn't seem to mind as they talked at me. Then they wanted to do some kind of weird role play. WTF? I was dressed in a kimono and had a bamboo umbrella as one of his friends holds a hose to create rain. WTF brain? They wanted me to walk alongside Azure and at the point, we haven't talked or even hold hand or kissed so getting annoyed I faced the water and fought the ongoing stream with my umbrella and shoved the end of it in the hoes when I got close enough and smacked him upside the head with it and knocked him out. Then I woke up.... >.< Besides that, I had a seriously busy day so far. I want to hide from the world and my evil head. http://pa1.narvii.com/5793/00aff3a59411f70ace4979c8cec9f55947bdec3a_hq.gif
Max @reclaw left a comment for Daggera
Feb 20, 17 at 12:47pm
Ed~ @yamadaed left a comment for Daggera
Feb 19, 17 at 11:35pm
This account has been suspended.
Hey ^^
‎‎ @saberwing left a comment for Daggera
Feb 18, 17 at 7:08pm
Only Sylvester Stallone and Arnold Schwarzenegger are capable of making people explode with an arrow. xD Also Chuck Norris logic: https://heavyeditorial.files.wordpress.com/2012/09/1311875540_delta_force_chuck_norris__deal_with_it.gif
https://static1.squarespace.com/static/56a11b1fb204d5878d6d7ca0/56d0275260b5e95c074b3b78/56d0288d9f7266c502048cf0/1464376094925/08+tongue_twister_by_lordnetsua-d8vpks2.jpg hello senpai
Daggera @daggera That is awesome!
Ed~ @yamadaed looking good this morning Fran
Lamby's moth mommy @horrormanga21 It's from dead space ^__^
Ed~ @yamadaed a necromorph or something like that right?
Tee @ennis93 left a comment for Daggera
Feb 18, 17 at 12:18pm
I love the different...patterns lmao Looking good for dessert *_____* https://static4.fjcdn.com/comments/Good+work+man+i+m+happy+for+you+_a35f9c074437bb488a17d329fd7d70f3.jpg
Tee @ennis93 left a comment for Daggera
Feb 18, 17 at 12:05pm
Oranges looking so good together *__* Just the way they should be
Daggera @daggera Plus rich in Vitamin C!
Ed~ @yamadaed I think Ennis is more after Vitamin D, you gotta eat more veggies Ennis ;o
Daggera @daggera It is true that you need to get all your nutrition. Don't want to be malnourished
Tee @ennis93 I'll eat all the veggies( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Tee @ennis93 left a comment for Daggera
Feb 18, 17 at 11:40am
L M A O That is the hottest carrot I've ever seen https://clawingmywaytothetop.files.wordpress.com/2013/03/600a95ef_i-see-what-you-did-there-rage-face-meme.png