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Last online about 5 years ago
http://31.media.tumblr.com/ed5d28927eff94002eb7e8e16b22348f/tumblr_n3khg3pT321roo4dro2_500.gif your back *__* baka its not like missed you or anything *blushes and means the oppisite and mumbles* about time how have you been
shawnji @shawnji left a comment for Daggera
Dec 12, 16 at 2:43pm
I approve. https://storytimewithjohn.files.wordpress.com/2015/02/awesome-gif.gif
panda @death543 left a comment for Daggera
Dec 12, 16 at 2:01pm
In a way don't we all have a lot to do.....I hope the lot reduces in a positive way https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/8a/77/d6/8a77d6d3a40214bdc6120fb4b744602b.jpg Then someday people can just rest and watch the doves fly through the heavenly skies
shawnji @shawnji left a comment for Daggera
Dec 12, 16 at 1:57pm
Just as long as you don't introduce me like this: https://az616578.vo.msecnd.net/files/2016/04/23/635969784625815192-1384107117_wingman.gif
shawnji @shawnji left a comment for Daggera
Dec 12, 16 at 1:34pm
Heh. Guess that means I just need to find someone on here that makes me want to be on all the time. ;)
panda @death543 left a comment for Daggera
Dec 12, 16 at 1:34pm
https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/29/7b/91/297b9105bc8ec8f1db26d215b949d04e.jpg Oh it's alright then.....hope you're. Settling in fine....the outfit is ok......I'll put it on after I'm done with my book......how've you been
shawnji @shawnji left a comment for Daggera
Dec 12, 16 at 1:11pm
Yeah, it really did take forever to come out. I got The Last Guardian as well, and that was another one that was in development hell for nearly ten years. Sorry I can't respond to comments in the comments yet, by the way. >_<; Not enough hearts, I guess.
panda @death543 left a comment for Daggera
Dec 12, 16 at 1:10pm
https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/0c/0f/23/0c0f239405d990c3880ad86ef1d097f1.jpg Can't tell which is worse.....the feeling of unwantedness or a reason to be avoided
shawnji @shawnji left a comment for Daggera
Dec 12, 16 at 11:50am
Heheh, it's funny how that works sometimes. I'm sorry to hear you've been so busy, though. Things with me have been okay. There have been a few ups and downs, but I can't complain too much (well... I could, but I just prefer not to). Glad to hear you guys are meeting up soon!