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Last online about 5 years ago
VeZeal @axlex left a comment for Daggera
Aug 17, 16 at 8:12pm
http://orig15.deviantart.net/3219/f/2012/177/a/8/dogpile_on_edo__by_nothguy-d550esp.gif I am not a better person. And to be fair, many people here are antisocial and awkward around people, so that's hardly something most are concerned with here. That said however, you're doing quite well here on MO and have a nice circle of friends that will never leave you. It's just a matter of time for everyone around me. Two people I thought I was close with now aren't too eager to speak to me anymore. Because I'm either not good enough, or just cause damage. I may have a couple of friends outside of MO but I only hear from them maybe once in a blue moon and what's more, I'm typically busy with work when they are free. I may not be trying to hurt anyone, but it happens anyway. I'm such a messed up individual yet everyone refuses to see.
kuronekokitty @kuronekokitty I just want to say I both love and hate this photo
Aug 17, 16 at 8:04pm
I think I need a body pillow like this of Freedom. ^^ https://38.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m7gn0eU5i41r568xco1_500.gif
Daggera @daggera Wait, you want a Freedom body pillow too?
VeZeal @axlex left a comment for Daggera
Aug 17, 16 at 5:14pm
http://66.media.tumblr.com/f3f3cf4368b069fcc71d45ae4510e28d/tumblr_inline_o4ipn9Z9Fp1tqygy1_500.gif DAG NO! Mrgrgrgr...I told you that these hugs should go to better people. Anyway, I've said it before: ya'll are crazy. So it seems crazy has a hard time seeing the truth. There is nothing good in me. If there was I would not be having such trouble with people and life in general. If I hurt someone and another hates me, what kind of good person am I? What kind of person annoys someone so much that they have to leave? There is no good. That is the truth of the matter. That will not change. And hugs are only a stopgap at best.
I know but the things you have are supposed to ease it until I can. Of course you'll get them regardless.
hoodedfang @hoodedfang left a comment for Daggera
Aug 17, 16 at 5:01pm
Awwww.... I'm sorry for not giving you the attention you want and need from me. I didn't know that you was getting so jealous of my time with other girls. But fear not! I'll give you attention once more! For I was distracted by the amazing and charming pervy waifu, the graceful moon spice, and the oh so innocent wizard~ I have horrible skills when it comes to multitasking friends. But I'll improve just for you so that I can keep you company when you don't have any Freedom to play around with~ :3 https://media.giphy.com/media/FaBKIJbhM6wPS/giphy.gif
senpai why are you crying on freedoms wall are you okay dont cry Dx
VeZeal @axlex left a comment for Daggera
Aug 17, 16 at 4:55pm
https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/b5/1f/92/b51f92e705cdd97730f903302bc83d16.jpg Feeling guilty has nothing to do with kindness. It's what you do with the feeling. I don't do anything with it. I believe it's the rest of you tricking yourselves even when I've explained how I am not a good person. And again, they are nice. But I still don't deserve them. And no, it doesn't bring good things. Not to me. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CVGNGivWcAA8_Cb.jpg
Wouldn't that be more incentive to open it then? Because in addition to your cat you already have, you'll have a few more items to help you know that I'm there.
My my, the demands are strong with this one today. Behave and maybe I will.
VeZeal @axlex left a comment for Daggera
Aug 17, 16 at 4:36pm
https://media.giphy.com/media/ohGsTYBMlOkE/giphy.gif But I don't deserve such kindness and hugs from you! And this doesn't feel like fair! Maybe part of that's true, but I truly am a horrible person.